
Showing posts from October, 2011

Governor Snyder and the High Speed Bus

I read today that Governor Snyder is proposing a high-speed bus network for southeast Michigan.   He’s going to another layer of government to the corrupt Charter County of Wayne, the paralyzed Detroit City Government and SEMCOG (also known as the solution waiting for a problem). He’s not just poking around in southeast Michigan, however, his new plan , a new regional authority to oversee it.   The State pushing its way into local politics. The worst part is new vehicle registration fees allowing counties or regions to raise funds for local transit projects.   ‘Allowing’ – he’s going to ‘allow’ you to pay higher fees so that your county or region is ‘allowed’ to raise funds for local transit projects. I can understand town, village, city, county, state and I even willing to include ‘Charter Township’ when it is done for reasons other than greed – but what form of government does a ‘Region’ fit into? As for the high speed busses – Governor Snyder recently endorsed Pete...

The Wars End Now

               I am going to borrow from George McGovern and paraphrase his remarks about Vietnam and turn them now to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Uganda.    I have taken the frame of what he said and have expanded upon it just as the architects of destruction have taken the Vietnam plan and expanded upon it.   An escalation in murderous action, after all, requires an escalation in opposition to it – if one is to preserve one’s spirit.                Every Senator, Representative and Citizen in the United States is partly responsible for sending more than 6,230 young Americans to an early grave in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Senator Chamber, the House of Representatives and the Oval Office of the White House reeks of blood. Every Senator, Representative and the President is partly responsible for the human wreckage at Walter Reed a...

American Troops in Africa

Unfortunately, as I predicted some years ago, President Obama has sent American soldiers to fight in a ground war in Africa. Only a hundred at the thousands it will take to get them there, feed them, support them and help bring in more...God save the United States of America. The soldiers are going to Uganda where the previous American sponsored assault on the 'Lord's Resistance Arm ... y' ended in the loss of the Guatamelan soldiers sent to find it. The 'Lord's Resistance Army' is led by a man named Kony - he is accused of war crimes by the Ugandan Army (which is guilty of war crimes). Perpetual war. Exporting weapons, military training, high tech killing machines - all at substantial profit. Who says America isn't a world leader? The final product however, is the creation of enemies in every corner of the known world and the result that Americans are welcome no where and friends to no one. The engine of war to fuel industry is destruct...

Judges Dying is the Evidence

The Department of Justice has been dispensing drugs and guns to criminals. The judges in the Judicial Branch are quite aware of this behavior but have done nothing and said nothing. Obama sits on one of the most vicious and cruel administrations this nation has ever seen. It is ravaging our economy and the government is stealing from itself. It is not just a measure of his incompetence in the matter but reasonable people do not want to see him infect the judiciary the way he has crippled the Department of Justice. Obama is highly intelligent and wily - less judges mean less likliehood that he and his cronies will get caught in their wicked ways. Representative Giffords was shot for her political views and now it turns out judges are dying and not being replaced. The evidence is here before our eyes.

Boss Bloomberg

I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the protesters at Wall Street and elsewhere are just drawing attention away from the true problems we are facing.  A Department of Justice that sells drugs and guns - empty promises of ending the War In Afghanistan - a President who leans on 'Drones' to kill whomever whatever department tells him to (drones made by companies who donated millions to his election campaign) - an immigration policy driven by profit instead of need - under representation in Washington and State capitols and the fact that the protesters main message seems to be not reformation of our financial system.  They state, in fact, that they are against corporations - but more importantly every time some spokesman makes that statement they also neatly include the statement that the Tea Party is against government.  I would take them more seriously if they had occupied the real center of greed and incompetence in New York - that would be City Hall where Boss...

Occupy Wall Street

               The people who are involved in the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ media event have struck me as an odd group.   I was watching Univision, the Spanish language cable station, yesterday and saw a reporter interviewing a student from Spain and then another from Argentina.   They were wearing designer jeans and nice shirts.   They were clean and looked healthy and bright…but they were in New York.                I believe that the large banks and stockbroker houses in New York must be broken up so that they can reform.                The mob sleeping on Wall Street in their designer sleeping bags wants more than that.   It’s not quite clear what.   The gang is made up literally of Communists, Anarchists, wealthy students with time on their hands, thr...