
Showing posts from 2025

An Autoimmune Disease Primer

  An Autoimmune Disease Primer  Also Available at :     Compiled by Alfred Brock   Introduction   A quick lesson about autoimmune diseases.  From what I understand it takes an average of 3 years and 5 doctors for a person to get a proper diagnosis of an autoimmune disease.  It is important that more people understood what an autoimmune disease is.  It is like the cold or the flu; people never really get better, and even a nap will not help. Just eating a salad and hitting the gym won’t slim your face or get the pounds off. Sleeping 10 hours at a time won’t leave a person well rested, ever.  Last minute changes in plans may crop up because of that unexpected “just got ran over” feeling.  Along with these problems people who deal with autoimmune disease also talk about aching joints and bones, dry skin, breaking hair, mood swings, and d...