
Showing posts from September, 2023

Injection Well in Romulus, Michigan

  On August 3, 2023 Governor Whitmer of Michigan signed an Executive Director to speed up state permitting processes. Executive Directive 2023-04 was touted as eliminating red tape but it actually cut out the role of citizens and those most impacted by the dangerous activities that Michigan permits. It was supposed to provide accountability on deadlines while putting science and Michiganders first but instead has created a state sanctioned drive to make Michigan State the First Choice for Toxic Waste - FCFTW in the United States and Central Canada. Shortly after the East Palestine Ohio Rail Disaster of 2023 toxic materials from that massive chemical spill were transported immediately to Michigan for disposal at an injection well in Romulus, Michigan that had recently been approved by a small group of people in a library meeting room without public comment. After pressure was brought to bear public comment was finally accepted as the commenting per...

Isshinryu Karate Coming from Belleville, Michigan!

  Belleville Martial Arts Institute Isshinryu Karate is a martial art that places a strong emphasis on self-confidence, physical exercise, and both physical and mental health. Here's a comprehensive overview of Isshinryu Karate with a focus on these aspects: 1. Origin and History: Isshinryu Karate was developed in Okinawa, Japan, in the early 1950s by Master Tatsuo Shimabuku. It is a relatively modern form of karate, drawing influence from traditional Okinawan martial arts like Shorin-ryu and Goju-ryu. 2. Self-Confidence: Isshinryu Karate aims to instill self-confidence in its practitioners through rigorous training and the mastery of self-defense techniques. As students progress in their training and achieve higher ranks, they often experience increased self-assuredness in their ability to defend themselves and handle challenging situations. 3. Physical Exercise: Isshinryu Karate is an excellent form of physical exercise. Training sessions typically include various components such...

What is Water Pollution?

  There are many different reasons that water could display a surface film. They range form petroleum contamination from gasoline or oil. It could be caused by other automotive or mechanical fluids like brake fluid, windshield wiper fluid, transmission fluid, leaks from batteries. It could be caused by seeping sewage or gasses that are rising out of the soil at that point near or under the water. It has become popular among government agencies at the County and State level to encourage citizens to perform a 'rock test' to determine what sort of contamination is there. The rock test, simply, is to drop a rock into the area exhibiting the sheen or discoloration. The idea is that if after the rock is dropped through the film the material immediately joins back together again then it is likely petroleum. If, however, it beaks apart and does not readily rejoin then it may be 'biological'. The agencies encouraging the rock test as proof of contamination then make a ...


  There are many reasons why it is important for citizens to report crimes to law enforcement. Here are a few: To protect crime victims from further danger. When a crime is reported, law enforcement can take steps to protect the victim, such as providing them with a police escort or issuing a restraining order against the perpetrator. To put criminals on notice. When criminals know that crimes are being reported, they are less likely to commit them. This helps to make communities safer. To build a sense of community. When citizens report crimes, they are working together to make their community a safer place. This can help to build trust and cooperation between law enforcement and the community. Crimestoppers is an organization that helps citizens report crimes anonymously. This can be helpful for people who are afraid to report crimes to law enforcement for fear of retaliation. Crimestoppers also offers rewards for information that leads to the arrest and conviction...

一心流, - Isshinryu Karate

  Belleville Martial Arts Institute 武道の利点 この芸術 一心流は、沖縄発祥の空手のスタイルです。空手道は、伝統的な沖縄の空手の実践と、自己の性格の発展に焦点を当てた空手の研究を示し、空手を行うことを意味します。 道場 BMAI(Belleville Martial Arts Institute)の道場には、どんな経験レベルの個人のトレーニングに適した設備とスペースが豊富にあります。私たちはミシガン州ベルビルのSumpter Road785に位置しています! 哲学 BMAIは、空手を通じて自己規律や尊重などの肯定的な性格特性を育てることに焦点を当てています。私たちはここで学んだことを進歩的で肯定的な方法で、生活のすべての側面に関連し適用できるように努力しています。 生徒の誓い 私は自分自身を肯定的な方法で発展させ、精神的な成長や身体の健康を減少させるものは避けるつもりです。自己規律を発展させ、自分自身と他の人々から最善のものを引き出すつもりです。私はクラスで学んだことを建設的かつ防御的に使用し、他の人々や自分自身を助けるために使用するつもりであり、決して虐待的または攻撃的になることはありません。 いいね!と購読をお願いします! (88)一心流空手 上半身基礎 - マスター・ウォルトン - Belleville Martial Arts YouTube 一心流空手は、1950年代初頭に日本の沖縄で辰雄島袋によって創設された武道のスタイルです。この空手のスタイルは、伝統的な沖縄の空手技術と他の武道からの影響をユニークに組み合わせ、実用的な自己防衛と戦闘効率を強調しています。以下は一心流空手の主要な側面です: 歴史:一心流の創始者である辰雄島袋は、著名な沖縄の空手の師である喜屋武朝徳の弟子でした。島袋は、喜屋武の教えを他の学んだ武道(如、剛柔流や小林流など)と組み合わせ、独自のスタイルを創り上げました。これを「一心流」と名付け、それは「一つの心の道」という意味です。 原則:一心流空手は、シンプルさ、直接さ、運動の効率性を含むいくつかの原則を強調しています。これらの技術は自己防衛の状況で効果的であり、他のいくつかの武道スタイルよりもより直接的なものが多いことがあります。 スタンスと技術:一心流空手は、様々なスタンス、打撃、ブロック...