Injection Well in Romulus, Michigan

 On August 3, 2023 Governor Whitmer of Michigan signed an Executive Director to speed up state permitting processes.

Executive Directive 2023-04 was touted as eliminating red tape but it actually cut out the role of citizens and those most impacted by the dangerous activities that Michigan permits.

It was supposed to provide accountability on deadlines while putting science and Michiganders first but instead has created a state sanctioned drive to make Michigan State the First Choice for Toxic Waste - FCFTW in the United States and Central Canada.

Shortly after the East Palestine Ohio Rail Disaster of 2023 toxic materials from that massive chemical spill were transported immediately to Michigan for disposal at an injection well in Romulus, Michigan that had recently been approved by a small group of people in a library meeting room without public comment.

After pressure was brought to bear public comment was finally accepted as the commenting period was reopened. In spite of intense opposition and against common sense, common decency and without any appreciation nor understanding for science and the damage these materials do to the environment and human lives the State of Michigan has decided to accept money in exchange for the safety and well-being of the families of Michiganders and our neighbors.

On September 19, 2023, the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Materials Management Division (MMD), issued an injection well license to operate a facility located at 28470 Citrin Drive, in Romulus, Michigan


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