Are You Ready?

 The election is over and now we have a new President.

Some statements made during the runup to the election were extreme.

It remains to be seen which ones will be followed up on and put into motion.

Some quieter indications were also revealed – items about school lunch programs and food programs for the elderly, work to improve the lives of the elderly and provide access for people who are disabled.

I have family friends whose children depend on free school lunches and the free school breakfasts that they receive. If, or should I say, when, these programs are cut back and in some cases terminated, these families will be impacted immediately in a negative fashion I don’t believe they comprehend.

There are 16 million households in the US with hungry children.

When I was voting I met an elderly lady in a wheelchair. She preparing to vote. The place was packed. I greeted her and she told me they wouldn’t let her vote because she didn’t have identification.  

She told me if they didn’t let her vote that ‘they’ had given her the number for a lawyer and she would call. She said that is what ‘they’ told her to do next if they didn’t let her vote. A poll worker got her straightened out. 

There are 54 million US residents 65 and older.

Have you any doubt that the Federal Government is now to step away from providing direct assistance to children and seniors?

Are you ready?


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