The Talking Head
Yesterday an otherwise intelligent person I know expressed the idea that as a result of growing up in a push-button world he is better able to make decisions. He actually promised an 8% return on investment if we relied on him and others 'like me' which is a connection that is baseless and absurd. He seemed reasonable at the get-go but as he framed his argument it lost cohesiveness. His basis for asserting, essentially, that he knew it all was drawn from what he rightfully perceives as the flood of information he is bombarded with daily. His reference points were Twitter feeds, email and YouTube to name just three. No encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, textbooks or other preserved reference materials were used as a guide. For those of you offended by paper I am referring even to electronic versions of these documents. He posed himself, essentially, as having all the answers. But - it seemed he had asked no questions and only sifted the materials pr...