Niagara County New York Radiation Disaster 2024
Regarding the Niagara County, New York Radioactivity Contamination Disaster
Discovered in 2024 as a result of surreptitious shipments of high, medium and low grade radioactive
materials from Niagara County, New York to Van Buren Charter Township, Wayne County, Michigan
Notes from September 19, 2024
Simplified Timeline of the Van Buren Charter Township Nuclear Waste Disaster
Gleaned from newspaper reports, personal interviews, discussion and official remarks
1. Decision is made to create Fusion Atomic Bomb
2. For this timeline a bomb will be manufactured at the Hanford, Washington Nuclear Reservation
a. This bomb will ultimately be delivered to Nagasaki for atmospheric explosion
3. The work commences at the Hanford Reservation creating enormous amounts of radioactive
waste. The waste was likely composed of but not limited to :
a. Radioactive Soil
b. Radioactive Water
c. Radioactive Powdered Chemicals
d. Radioactive Liquid Chemicals
e. Radioactive wood, metal, ceramic, cloth and other radioactive materials
4. The liquid waste was deposited regularly in gigantic storage tanks
a. The liquid waste burned through the containing steel and contaminated large areas
b. That issue is still being addressed
c. The materials are making their way towards the Columbia River
5. The solid waste was collected in many instances into giant piles
a. Eventually it was decided to bury most of the solid waste
b. The groundwater flow picked up radiation and other toxic chemicals from the buried
materials and began their own migration towards the Columbia River
c. This contamination is still being dealt with
6. It was decided either immediately following the end of World War 2 or in the 1950’s that getting
rid of the radioactive materials left over from the frenetic activity surrounding the creation of
the Nagasaki Atomic Weapon would be a good course of action
a. A series of steps to neutralize or prepare the material to be buried without it
contaminating ground waters, the Earth or the air was put together
b. A contract was let out and a contractor selected to deal with the materials
c. Either by rapid truck transport, as is happening in the present situation between
Lewiston, New York and the Charter Township of Van Buren, Michigan, or train
shipments by a presently unknown carrier over a presently unknown route, the
materials were taken from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State and
transported 2,514 miles to a new site in Lewiston, New York
d. The material was deposited on the ground in an unknown manner. Indications are that
it was an open dump
7. The contractor began preparations to treat the materials. Indications were that the intent was
to reduce overall radioactivity in some manner, but primarily, the work would center on making
the materials easier to handle and somewhat inert by suspending them in glass and other
materials for burial.
a. At some point, apparently a year after the deposition of the materials in Lewiston, NY,
the Federal Government abruptly changed the manner in which the work was to be
done. Because of the high levels of radioactivity in the materials special buildings had to
be erected, special clothing had to be provided to workers, workers could only be
exposed to the materials for specific amounts of time and specialized ventilation and
atmospheric equipment and filters would need to be installed
b. Upon receipt of these new requirements and having completed a brief study of the
impact on profits to the enterprise the contractor left. The work was abandoned.
c. The radioactive materials that had been transported to Lewiston, NY from the nuclear
reservation at Hanford, WA were left to the elements for at least one year, maybe two
and possibly longer
d. A decision was made at some unspecified time to bury the materials at the place where
they were deposited.
e. Due to the arrangements of the materials they were either laid out in a large area and
then bulldozed into piles or had been deposited in piles initially. They were apparently
buried without any sort of underground barrier.
f. From a crude visual observation of the present state of the materials it appears they
were buried on the surface in gigantic piles. Some have settled into the earth while
others appear to have retained their mounding shape.
8. In 2016 after considerable wrangling and the realization that cancers and other dread diseases
were spiking in the area and due to action by the Tuscarora nation and approximately 300
employees of the Environmental Protection Agency in New York or whatever organization had
been caring for the materials for nearly a century, it was decided, after local public hearings,
that the United States Army Corps of Engineers would remove all of the materials to another
9. One of the primary driving forces behind moving the materials, along with higher rates of
cancer, other diseases, probable birth defects and possible birth mortality, was that the
materials were burning their way to the Niagara River.
10. At this point, due to ionization and the natural dispersal of these unnatural elements, an area
many times larger than the original point of delivery now existed. The materials had exited the
property lines and have contaminated an enormous area around where they had been dropped
Parallel and Interesting Points of Interest in a Somewhat Linear Timeline of Events in Some Order
These may or may not figure in the final Niagara County, New York Contamination Disaster of 2016
1. A landfill was built abutting the nuclear waste dump in Lewiston, NY.
a. The landfill was used for depositing materials from across Niagara County and perhaps
2. A driver for a paving company in Canada rolled his truck over
a. The driver was subsequently fired by his brothers
b. The driver started his own paving company
c. At one point someone said to him, ‘You know, we sure could use someone to carry away
all this waste when were done with the work.’
d. The driver began a waste hauling service
e. The driver’s waste hauling service was successful and the driver opened or took control
of a dump
f. The driver became a successful businessman and the dump expanded
g. The driver’s company became well known in the area
h. The company purchased or controlled several area dumps (landfills) and they expanded
3. During the course of all this there was a separate issue with the Love Canal and another location
where chemicals were deposited in an irresponsible and unprofessional manner leading to
health impacts across that area. The Love Canal is also in Niagara County
4. At this point the timeline is murky and breaks up but these facts occurred :
a. Along with the materials being collected and removed from the Lewiston Nuclear
Storage Site that are being moved now against common sense there were even more
hazardous and radioactive materials moved to Van Buren Charter Township, MI without
telling any of the residents.
b. It is not clear if the Michigan Governor know this, but certainly, it would have been the
business of the State of Michigan Department of the Environment, Great Lakes and
Energy to be alerted or informed that the material was on the way. The words ‘alerted’
and ‘informed’ are used loosely here because according the processes of the State of
Michigan Department of the Environment, Great Lakes and Energy moving or depositing
or releasing into the atmosphere, into the Earth or into the waters of the Great Lakes
water system it is a simple manner not only to gain approval but to continue dumping
and polluting in amounts of many tens of thousands of tons for a small fee, which may
be deferred or excused according to the sentiments of the Michigan Department of the
Environment, Great Lakes and Energy employee assigned to the work.
c. Niagara County and other agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the
United States of Army Corps of Engineers, the New York State department of the
environment, local elected officials, state elected officials and possibly federal elected
officials became aware of a widespread problem involving radioactivity across Niagara
d. Many, many miles of State, County and local roads apparently have been paved with
radioactive materials.
e. The radioactive materials used in the paving were used in various ways, sometimes as a
substrate, sometimes as a binder and sometimes included in the surface paving
materials. It is likely that in some cases it was used in all three preparations and/or
other situations
f. Radioactive materials have been encountered in commercial parking lots, residential
driveways, aggregate placement under foundations for private homes and at least one
large cemetery had been covered in it from a depth of two to more feet.
g. In one case a large deposit of radioactive material that was discovered near a large
commercial construction project was noted by authorities. They could not determine
where it came from. In a wicked denouement, that actually has not been resolved,
upon return to the site the material had been removed by unknown persons for
unknown reasons. So – they found a large amount of highly radioactive material near to
a construction site, recorded the fact, went back at some undetermined time and found
that the material was gone.
h. Finely grained black sand with very high radioactivity levels was removed from several
private residential sites.
5. The waste disposal company (the dump and landfill operator) took over the collection business
of Republic Waste in at least most of the areas in Niagara County, NY, if not all of them.
6. Republic Waste has a dump located nearby the Niagara Nuclear Site in Lewiston, New York.
7. The landfill owner died
8. The company still exists and remains the largest and richest waste handling company in
northwestern New York and eastern Ontario.
9. A decision was made unbeknownst to the local inhabitants in Michigan, to move the materials
that have now placed the Columbia River and the Niagara River in jeopardy of further
contamination by radioactive nuclear materials and other toxic waste to bury this material in the
watershed of the Huron River and very close to Ford Lake and so, repeat the pattern of
mismanagement of the materials and place even more Americans in peril while enriching private
corporations. We also seen and are experiencing deflecting the responsibility from poorly run
Federal and State organizations and departments ostensibly in place to protect the health and
well being of Americans, but, which, instead, have seen to their own diverse interests and need.
10. Federal Michigan Elected Representatives point to the State Michigan Elected Representatives
as the core to the solution of these co-occurring disasters while State Michigan Elected
Representatives point to the Federal Michigan Elected Representatives to solve the problem.
11. New York elected at all levels remain mute and do not remark nor comment on these disasters,
the original one being clearly in there area of influence and duty in New York State.
12. Both Governor Whitmer of Michigan and Governor Hochul of New have been silent on the issue.
We see no comments either supporting the resolution of these two disasters or mitigating the
destruction clearly raging in Niagara County, New York nor the current assault on the heavily
populated area in southeastern Michigan where this poisonous, dangerous and poorly managed
material is being dumped to the peril of individuals, seniors, families, children and businesses in
the local area, county and region.
Possible Conclusions or Inference, including Possible Actions to take regarding the Niagara County, New
York Contamination Disaster so as not to exacerbate the Van Buren Charter Township Waste Disaster
now occurring.
1. There seems to be a very dangerous situation that has occurred with the infrastructure in
Niagara County, New York. The roads will need to be checked.
2. Wherever the substrate came from that supply line needs to be discontinued.
3. The company that supplied the radioactive material needs to be discovered and their area of
activity made known.
4. Was nuclear material to be used for paving also transported to Ontario across national borders
without notification or was it imported from Canada into New York where it was used to pave
roads, parking lots, cover at least one cemetery and be used for foundation preparations for
homes, business and driveways?
5. I feel that an inspection of the garbage trucks and paving trucks in the area would be in order to
ensure that they are not contaminated with radioactivity
6. I feel that MICares in Michigan should be alerted to the fact that this material has been passing
into our environment for at least the past two to three years if not longer.
7. I feel that medical monitoring for the affected people in Niagara County, New York is in order
8. I feel that a radioactive survey of all the roadways, building sites, homes, commercial sites that
have been built in the area since at least the 1960’s should be performed in Niagara County.
This should include a review of all cemeteries and any locations that the paving/dump company
owner provided services to, whether for profit or charitable purposes – with special attention to
churches, elementary schools, high schools, private and public parks, hospitals and other
Thank you for your time and attention.
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