Watch Your Step
By Alfred Brock
These poems are meant to be sung.
They are all songs.
Our World Experience is a shared experience.
We are seeing the same things played out all around the world.
As the sorrow and horror is becoming more recognizable so are the solutions and actions that people can take to correct them and the remove them.
So, sing your heart out!
Rejoice In All These Wonders 3
Through The Darkest Night To Day 7
If You Don’t Fight For Your Need 9
Watch It On The Color T V 14
All To Their Graves 18
The Lewiston Bus 21
Remember On A Summer’s Day 24
Your Neighbors Aren’t Alive 28
To Call The Government A Liar 32
Their Morality Is A Come On 38
They Will Move It Again 45
Had All the Time There Been Dead 48
Where the Governor lives in a trance 53
But Chemicals They Keep On A List 58
The Republic Is Destroyed 61
You See? 66
Instead 68
This Beautiful Sky 72
Eagles Will Go 77
Slowly Flashing Light 81
What Does It All Mean to Me? 85
To the Politburo of China 89
Lifts My Spirits Higher 93
They Were On Their Way 96
Is The American Condition 100
On Your Track 105
While We Wait 109
When the Song of Sadness Lingers 112
It Goes On and On 117
Green Made of Paper 123
Were They The Best? 129
Round and Round and Round 134
Before Money Takes It Away 138
When All You Have Is A Fiddle 144
Money Strapped To Your Shoe 149
Whatcha' Gonna' Do Today? 155
Sharing This Lifeline 158
Looking For You 160
It’s Another Chance to Play 163
You Are My Very Last Chance 166
That’s All We Can See 168
God’s Face 174
So Be Sure 177
Thirty Five Years 181
The Enemy of Every Boy and Girl 185
It Isn’t Over In A Day 191
Meeting Adjourned 195
We Thankfully Pray 197
Go Fallow 201
Good Fortune Like Rain 209
New Beginning 213
Crashing Down 216
It’s All Set In Gold 220
His Blessings To Show 222
Close By My Girl 226
Firmly Believing 230
Your Sound 233
After Judgement Day 237
I just can’t comprehend 241
We Are Blest 246
In Their Arms 249
Faster 252
We’ll See 255
Rejoice In All These Wonders
When you walk on the Earth you need to watch your step
There are many snares and traps set around
There’s quite a few people dressed in suits and power
Who carefully arrange to try and bring you down
If your life is filled with friends and family
You have a certain kind of liberty
Within that though there is also responsibility
To care for those who certainly care for you
You’ll know what to do and when you need to do it
Unless you’re filled with anger and displeasure
It’s hard to make a sure and accurate measure
If all you’re seeking is some kind of sneaking pleasure
Violence has no place in a peaceful community
When violence breaks out the weak have no immunity
A senior can be hurt or a child struck down
When a wild eyed bully starts screaming in town
Talking is a gift given to many but not to all
When someone tries to stifle it then it’s time to call
For help from those who protect your natural rights
Those natural rights do not include public fights
The law some say is an answer to all
This can be true but some try to make you fall
Trick you with their words and truths they have bent
That kind will take what is your’s and tell you it was lent
Freedom is not free we should all know that by now
Some pretend you’re not free if you need a hand somehow
That’s just not so and not what makes this place go
We all help each other and it’s a pleasure and an honor
We don’t have a King or Queen to tell us what we’ve seen
We know we need each other and our work is just enough
We work and build to show who will come who have been
And all the while we sing and dance and rejoice in all these wonders
This Love Is One Truly Born
In the morning, I awake to the light
Moving through the window from the misty morning
Cold days follow cold nights
It will be another full and no time for groaning
This love will rise in the morning
This love is one truly born
There are some people who watch me from the sides
They are so unhappy and they have made their choice
They prepare to stop me and all those with us besides
They’ve decided to try and shut up my voice
This love will rise in the morning
This love is one truly born
They don’t want to see this dream come true
They don’t want to do the work for me and you
Would rather take what others have
And give up their lives for gold
This love will rise in the morning
This love is one truly born
I’ve been derided for speaking of peace
I’ve been put down for singing about freedom
I stood out among them and called their names
One then began to crawl and shout
Here they come down in the city
They say they hold death in contempt
There is a battle for what is good and right
We will see when they come into the light
When the Sun shines we can hear these words
Love is a great and mighty cloak
That shields us all from harm
The heart that loves is like the Oak
You go to the place you come from
This love will rise in the morning
This love is one truly born
This love will rise in the morning
This love is one truly born
Through The Darkest Night To Day
Awaiting dawn upon the sea
Can be an adventure you’ll see
But if you wait in the dark for long
The Ocean mist may quiet your song
Unless your heart is free and easy
Has been held up by the Spirit
Then you can find your way
Through the darkest night to day
Times go by that are dark and foreboding
Filled with fear and loneliness
It’s at this time you can just reach out
To your Lord to lead your way home
Unless your heart is free and easy
Has been held up by the Spirit
Then you can find your way
Through the darkest night to day
Jesus went up to Calvary
To shed his blood for you and me
What lies can you tell or woe can you cause
That you truly think He won’t see?
Unless your heart is free and easy
Has been held up by the Spirit
Then you can find your way
Though the darkest night to day
A long and lonesome toiling
Can come in a life full of gladness
It is at that time you will find
With Jesus you find steadfastness
Unless your heart is free and easy
Has been held up by the Spirit
Then you can find your way
Though the darkest night to day
You’re never alone in this world
He told us all from on high
If your heart is angry and soiled
Just give it all up to Him
Unless your heart is free and easy
Has been held up by the Spirit
Then you can find your way
Through the darkest night to day
If You Don’t Fight For Your Need
They were raised when the Dust Bowl grew
The crops were destroyed as the wind blew
They learned their ABC’s in one room schools
Their parents fought World War One
They were certainly no fools
They don’t care about you
They do what they do
For money and fame and greed
It’s you who will pay
If you don’t fight for your need
So they grew up in the Depression
Which is what we now call a Recession
They learned from the best
They stole from the rest
And World War Two rolled around
Ignorant Killers fighting over the same ground
Not to be considered less than the best
They pushed forward and pushed down the rest
Drunk and disorderly they went about their jobs
They pay was good even though they were slobs
They built two cities out in the desert
Working on things that the Devil called his own
They laughed and they joked and almost went broke
As they drank themselves into a stupor
They thought themselves heroes
For fighting the Furor
They don’t care about you
They do what they do
For money and fame and greed
It’s you who will pay
If you don’t fight for your need
Of course, the bombs they made
Were sent the other way
Burning Japanese cities to a cinder
While over in Europe it was conventional murder
Burning cities and grinding people to burger
When they were done
They blew up the Sun
It rose up high in the deserts
From their labors and greed
They developed a need
For more nuclear weapons and bombs
They don’t care about you
They do what they do
For money and fame and greed
It’s you who will pay
If you don’t fight for your need
Quietly, so quietly, in their wake
They left liquid poisons in lakes
Dirt and dust, rocks and clay
Irradiated, still burn to this day
From Hanford, Washington they sent it in trucks
To Lewiston, New York, for treatment
When it got there the banks were all bare
So they buried it in the ground by the river
Seneca Indians were set up as guards
They didn’t know what was buried in their yards
When they found out
They started to shout
Get this poison out of here!
The decision was made to dig it all up
Send it to Michigan by truck
They take anything there
In Michigan where
People are worth less than a buck
They don’t care about you
They do what they do
For money and fame and greed
It’s you who will pay
If you don’t fight for your need
Each time it is moved the stain of death spreads
Who would trust this to such empty heads?
It’s true money talks only to those who don’t listen
The old men and women who pretend to be wise
Are safe and secure that they will be dead
When the impacts of what they do
Ends their sick story
When everyone else around dies
They don’t care about you
They do what they do
For money and fame and greed
It’s you who will pay
If you don’t fight for your need
Watch It On The Color T V
It’s a wide world underneath us
Several thousand miles thick
They speak through the wires
Some know they are liars
The rest of them are just sick
Driven down by the boss
They never measure the loss
As long as Friday rolls around
They are not looking for freedom
Just escape and protection
From the angry, burning wall of sound
It’s a modern world
With all the modern girls
The modern men are all in fashion
No one knows just what is happening
As fire round the modern world rolls
What have you done this morning?
Same thing as every other day
There’s really no time for learning
That’s what we all learned to say
What the purpose for advanced classes?
To provide the rich phony passes
For rich food and drink
While society sinks
And war rises on the horizon
It’s a modern world
With all the modern girls
The modern men are all in fashion
No one knows just what is happening
As fire round the modern world rolls
What’s the point the banks ask
Pushing paper is a task
If you don’t do it daily you’re sunk
Got to pile it up and not lose any
No one notices that output has shrunk
Every day hunger grows wider
The banker eats another slider
It’ll be okay when the correction begins
It will make everyone rich and clean sins
It’s a modern world
With all the modern girls
The modern men are all in fashion
No one knows just what is happening
As fire round the modern world rolls
Wars are now fought
Over things that were bought
With blood, sweat, hate and dread
They cross colonial lines
Bury millions of mines
To separate mother from daughter
Now they kill for the water
Drive off the father and son
When the people are dead
Some crook raises up his head
Declares that the good guys have won
That’s just before
His enemies have scored
And are provided new guns
The next day he’ll be on the run
We watch it on the news for fun
It’s a modern world
With all the modern girls
The modern men are all in fashion
No one knows just what is happening
As fire round the modern world rolls
Fire rolls around the world
Watch it on the color t v
All To Their Graves
Out in the field
It’s hard when you’re told not to yield
And you turn around to see
The ones who are supposed to be
Your allies and your friends
Working with your enemies
To plan their own ends
When there’s no way to reach out
And you just want to shout
But the only ones who hear you
Are the ones you know will hurt you
How can they be quiet?
How did all the help go silent?
When you turn upon your neighbor
You turn upon your self
When you refuse someone safe harbor
You’ll be next upon the shelf
People don’t realize
We all work together
People don’t realize
We are all hit by the weather
When it comes
It comes down hard
There are people who pray on their knees
With curses burning in their hearts
Their greed and fury will never please
Their desire to destroy when it starts
So you must trust yourself
Protect your family
Find the ones who help
Band together for safety
If you are wondering who is coming
Look down into your hands
If they were coming to help
They wouldn’t be taking your lands
When the weak willed person
Sits in a seat of power
Greed is their only reason
For climbing up that tower
They will lie and steal and kill
Pretend to bend you to their will
But it’s all just violence
Born from out the silence
Of the ones born to lead
Who see to their own need
As they ring their dinner bell
Summon the demons all from hell
So be good to your brother and sister
Take cover in the course of a twister
If you are betrayed
Don’t be afraid
It’s just time till the reaper returns
And takes the evil all to their graves
The Lewiston Bus
The land of the free and the home of the brave
When your own country poisons you
Who do you think they are going to save?
Just what is it that these people do?
In World War two they made a bomb
They left their poisons on the ground
Someone came up with a plan
Clean it up and transport it
All across the land
So they took it from Hanford, Washington
All the way to Lewiston, New York
A big fancy company was going to clean it all up
Get paid really well for the work
Then they changed the requirements
The charges mounted higher and higher
So that company closed up and ran
Left a radioactive, slow burning fire
Then the government stepped back in
They came up with a great plan, again
They buried it and put a nice building on top
You’d never know where that stuff had been
But, years and years later,
When cancer and birth defects started up
Someone realized the blunder
So they decided to dig it all up
They found it had burned its way into the Earth
Making its way towards the Niagara River
There was nothing else to be done then
So they paid someone else to come take it
Secretly they prepared a giant hill
Laid out in post-modern style
They brought all the stuff from that radioactive pile
Right next to river and lake
Now its started its journey again
Into women’s bodies and men’s souls
The people who took it don’t care
By the time it starts creating monsters
They’ll all be dead and buried
Now back in old Lewiston it turns out
There’s even more than they ever expected
They have to dig a mountain out
Or someone will say they’re neglected
How did this all come to be?
Could be the one point five billion loan
To restart a dangerous nuclear reactor
In exchange to irradiate our bones
So long Governor Whitmer
You’ve done so much to us
So long Governor Whitmer
Here’s your ticket for the Lewiston Bus
Remember On A Summer’s Day
A long cold day has a special kind of feel
It can leave you empty and dejected
Or full of love and zeal
It’s the way you look at it, my friend, she suggested
It’s just some words they say
To remember on a Summer’s day
Walls of vertical stone, polished to a shining gray
Dry wind blowing down the street
Taking all the words away
Leaving just a faint desire to meet
It’s just some words they say
To remember on a Summer’s day
It was a moment’s meeting
So imperfect and fleeting
That now I see and feel and hear
As if she were still near
It’s just some words they say
To remember on a Summer’s day
When you don’t have a scarf
Only a ragged collar to embrace
At least it’s not the wide open wharf
With the river wind on my face
It’s just some words they say
To remember on a Summer’s day
So I turned towards her
In happy regard
It was all done in a whirr
I had caught myself off guard
It’s just some words they say
To remember on a Summer’s day
When I remembered to remember
It was too late to forget
In that cold and frigid November
I recall that time still yet
It’s just some words they say
To remember on a Summer’s day
Plastic flowers around the empty fountain
They look so gay in June
Walking straight along is just like climbing a mountain
How did that happen to be gone all too soon?
It’s just some words they say
To remember on a Summer’s day
Showering down in Spring
Rain from a Summer Storm
Autumn wetness on my ring
In Winter gray no form
It’s just some words they say
To remember on a Summer’s day
I kick the empty sidewalk bare
Skip a step as I walk on up
Look out with an empty city stare
With a heart like a broken cup
It’s just some words they say
To remember on a Summer’s day
At least the sky is blue
The clouds are gray
Just like the windows’ steel blue
Reflections are all that’s left today
It’s just some words they say
To remember on a Summer’s day
To remember on a Summer’s day
Remember on a Summer’s day
Your Neighbors Aren’t Alive
The water looks really pretty today
I’d like to go for a swim
But the sign says stay away
The water is polluted here
Yes, the water is polluted here
Maybe I’ll sit and roll up my sock
Dangle my feet in the water
Step real careful from rock to rock
But the water is polluted here
The water is polluted here
I’ll take a rod and a reel
Go out upon the pier
See how the fishing might feet
But the water, the water, is polluted here
Oh, yes, the water is polluted here
I took a walk up the path
In the beautiful park near my house
Thought I put my feet on the grass
But the soil is polluted here
The soil is polluted here
I went a little farther up into the forest
Where the blackberry bushes grow
Thought I’d eat a few and take a rest
But the soil is polluted here
Yes, the soil is polluted here
So I ran and I ran down the path
To a place down back of the creek
It was just the kind of nature I seek
But they had stored chemicals here
They store up the chemicals here
So I leaped and I bounded on through the dell
I was about to give a shout and a yell
When I had to stop short because
There was an open sewer hole here
Yes, there was an open sewer hole here
I walked down the street to go and see my friend
I walked all the way to the end
Then I saw the sidewalk leaking oils
They had buried the pesticides here
Yes, they buried pesticides here
I went for a drive in my car
Just to go and get some fresh air
I hadn’t driven too far
When I noticed the landfill was on fire
Yes, the landfill was burning with fire
I stood outside in the evening time
Watching the fireflies blinking
When I smelled the exhaust of benzene
The factory chimneys were smoking
Yes, the factory chimneys were smoking
What are they doing?
Doing over there
The regulators fill out forms
The polluters don’t even care
A billion dollar corporation
That won’t sweep it’s own drive
Will tell you they’re not responsible
Just because your neighbors aren’t alive
To Call The Government A Liar
Let’s have a demonstration they say
Let’s get out there and show the way
There’s some irradiated dirt coming in from New York
The Governor didn’t tell us, what a dork!
Now they want to bury it as soon as they can
Otherwise someone may uncover their plan
A long time ago
Eighty years or so
They were having a World War and decided to blow
A hole in Japan to stop the whole show
They actually made two and it was a slam
Two cities destroyed blam, blam!
It took a long time and a lot of thinking
To make those bombs while they were all drinking
Finally they did it through the Manhattan Project
Which was done everywhere except New York City
What a pity
Out in Hanford, Washington they poisoned the desert
It all rolled down to the Columbia river just to be curt
It’s still rolling on just under the dirt
They packed a bunch up and sent it to Lewiston, New York
Where a guy said he’d clean it but got cheated, what a dork!
They abandoned the work and all ran away
Leaving the radioactive dirt just blowing away
So the government decided to bury it again
Didn’t work the first time but it didn’t stop them
If you know what I’m sayin’
So there it sat till someone realized
Hey, we’re seeing lots of birth defects
All the workers have cancer
Do you think it could be because
Of the toxic radioactive dirt effects?
So New York huddled with Michigan
Which will take anything
A few bucks and some change
Then Lansing got strange
Start up a failed reactor
Bury atomic waste to increase the fear factor
Money flies around and it’s alright
Just as long as decisions are kept out of sight
Now the Federal Government, which made that poison clay
Points at Michigan and says States Rights have the say
The United States Army Corps of Engineers looks on with dismay
They’d bury anything they’re told, you can hear the General say
New York says it’s not theirs and it just has to go
Washington says Hanford will soon be part of Idaho
So gleefully the Governor of Michigan cries out
We will take it, we will take it, bring it on out!
You see in Michigan they do not record birth defects
So if you’re checking those files you will not see mutation effects
The Governor has it all covered with the Department of Energy, Great Lakes and the Environment
She wrapped it all up as a great big present
To the waste companies that invest in Michigan Employee retirement
So there may be a demonstration
It probably won’t change the situation
Some politicians have new cars
The businessmen drink at the bars
The water is poisoned and the worst by far
Is no one is told the truth
And it’s against the law
To call the government a liar
You cannot establish lasting peace
By threatening eternal war
If you don’t let people get a piece
You’re never going to get far
You cannot claim a peaceful world
By blanketing the Earth with war
The claims being made are all curled
When the flames reach up too far
You cannot claim everyone’s on board
If you cut down opinion by sword
It’s one thing to claim self-defence
Another to strike first in offense
You cannot claim to be best place
If you ensure there’s not enough space
For family, friends and freedom
You can’t cook liberty on medium
You cannot claim you care about health
When you poison the people by stealth
There’s no balancing the books in hell
Even though you think you’re doing well
You cannot claim to be a leader
If your full time job is deceiver
If it’s all about money
No one thinks that it’s funny
No one can do everything at once
If you pretend to then you are a dunce
We cannot trust you with our lives
When you’re involved no one survives
Children are important you know
They can’t eat the poison you sow
We will not stand by while you slay
This is not our game you play
We love our families and know you do yours
But we would not sacrifice yours as you’re doing to ours
The time has passed when we will leave you alone
We will not have royalty nor Earthly throne
Michigan, Michigan, Michigan!
We will all be free again!
We will be free – you will not stay!
U S A, U S A, U S A!
Their Morality Is A Come On
In the Sun I stand my ground
All alone without a sound
The trucks roll up and roll on by
Each load causing someone to die
The Governor doesn’t care and looks on with a glare
Didn’t make President so now everyone must pay
Sitting in an office with a far away stare
Sitting in an office far, far away
We set things up to run themselves
We vote and then turn back to ourselves
Living our lives expecting the good
It’s a terrible day when evil arrives by flood
I don’t have enough money to up and get away
Nobody really does these days
Though when the plans are made to dig our graves
The rich make sure their security is saved
Don’t know what to say when we see
Government cronies spiking the tea
Injecting toxic waste two thousand feet down
Two hundred feet from a lake in a town
The Supervisor walks with his head hung down
While the Governor descends with a diamond crown
Watch all your children or they will let them drown
In a storm of nuclear waste
Mixed up in a sickening paste
They used to call Michigan
The Winter Wonderland
Now the snow is falling all red
We remember the living
While they stack up the dead
Stealing is their idea of giving
The numbers all rise
No need to disguise
The origin of cancers and illness
They point at each other and blame all the other
They laugh at their deadly silliness
You mean that you didn’t?
I didn’t know that?
Why don’t you call me next week for cricket?
I don’t play that game
You should know by my name
Just take what you get all the same
It was a pleasant city by the name of Belleville
Then Van Buren Charter Township choked it cold
The politicians wrangle and do just what they will
They know that with waste they’ve struck gold
We trusted them too easily
They’ve all behaved so sleazily
Now the children pay the price for laxness
Then the Governor declares
If you want all this fixed
You know I’ll have to raise your taxes
One day this old Governor will be gone
A new one will rise with a brand new song
Prepared to do right
Fight the good fight
And hide all the things that they did
Yes, they want these poisonous truths to stay hid
They are lying to us and I don’t say that lightly
I just read somewhere that if I do it even brightly
That if I say the government is lying
They will make my life hell without even trying
The Governor of Michigan and the Governor of New York
Decided to make a deal in the cold and dark
They are exchanging toxic nuclear waste
As if it were bright whitening tooth paste
They say they will bury the stuff underground
They are rushing with trucks all around
The money is flying all around in the air
The two governors act like they don’t care
The problem is that they say it’s all safe
But the lies that they tell make people chafe
They say that the nuclear waste they are moving
Is all safe and fine and will stay in one place over time
That is not exactly true and it seems they defy common sense
Didn’t they go to the same schools as you and I or are they playing fence?
When the poisons were moved from Hanford, Washington
To sleepy Lewiston, New York
There was quite a bit and dangerous
But the people wanted money and were languorous
As it sat there nearly a century
The radioactive materials spread
Not only directly but through ionization
You see radioactive materials
Make other materials
Yes radioactive materials
Make other materials
They think we are fools as their money goes in pools
To shore up their pyramid schemes
You might not know this but the companies that do this
Invest in retirement dreams
Of the very officers and personnel that are supposed to protect your life
Their money flows into their pockets and out of yours
Just as quick as a song on a fife
So the rivers polluted now number three
The Columbia, Niagara and sleepy Huron
They will lie to you directly so that you don’t see
Their pretense at morality is a come on
They Will Move It Again
The Hanford Site is a place in Washington State
It is referred to as a decommissioned nuclear production complex
It was operated by the United States federal government
Located on the Columbia River in Benton County, Washington
Some secretive folks called it Site W
Others referred to it as its polite name
The Hanford Nuclear Reservation
It was set up in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project
The Manhattan Project was a crazy industrial program
Called research and development during World War II
They were to make the first nuclear weapons
The United States, Canada and England worked together
Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army was the commander for a while
At the site there was Hanford Engineer Works and B Reactor
It was the first industrial plutonium production reactor on Earth
Plutonium manufactured there made the first atomic bomb
Tested in the Trinity nuclear test
Then in the Fat Man bomb used to burn Nagasaki
Japan still won’t buy apples from Washington because of the bomb
But mostly because the State of Washington seized Japanese-American farms
So, the war ended and it was time to make more money
It was immediately obvious but not admitted for decades
That Hanford would poison the Columbia River
So a deal was cut with a company in Lewiston, New York
On the other side of the country
To take the waste, process and clean it, so they took a bit away
Within two years the government changed the rules
The company couldn’t afford to do the work
So they split
The government buried the material where it was dropped
They left it there for decades when it became obvious
That the material they deposited had grown in size
Was heading to the Niagara River
And apparently raised cancer and birth defect rates
Off the scale
So they decided as the foolish will
To move it again
The more they dug the more they found
But they wouldn’t listen to sense
They truck it across the country again
Now to the great Midwest
They are planting it next to the Huron River
In the middle of two million people
Now the retirement funds of Michigan
Have a sizeable investment in the waste companies
No body is mentioning that
Eventually it will all come out in the wash
Around the time cancer and birth defects rise in Michigan
Then they will go and move it again
Had All the Time There Been Dead
Falling down, way, way down
It’s the only way to go
When you try to rise they push you down
Or is it the other way around?
He spoke to me from behind a screen
That was invisible to all
Where he’d been I had been
Long before his fall
But he went farther before he came back
He went right out to the ledge
It’s amazing that he did not crack
Or maybe he did after he looked over the edge
Starting with drinking and smoking
With friends laughing and joking
He ended up retching and choking
All alone on the edge of his bed
Living with mother and father
Longer, much longer than you and I
After a while he just didn’t bother
Caught up in his spinning sky
One day he was really hard up
Looking for some good stuff
It was the same old story no matter where he went
When he went there he pretended to be sent
Finally this time he related to us
In front of some well-meaning people
He had got off a bus
Headed toward a house, right across from a church with a steeple
He had to climb in though a little small hole
That had been pulled out from a plywood sheet
Once in the house he wanted to be whole
He thought he knew the kind he would meet
But now he had crossed
Some line in the air
He felt he was lost
When he sat in a chair
That’s when he began to be bossed
Money changed hands and the stuff was prepared
But it would take a while the boss said
Two men stood around and looked on his face
He pretended he was all good with them
Smiles played out on their long, thin faces
Amusement appeared there in traces
The Boss started talking and introduced his friend
Now was beginning the end
The conversation went on
For long, long, long
He had to say hi and make greetings
Of all that he’d had he already knew
Somehow this was the strangest of meetings
The Boss sat straight and leaned into his man
His arm tucked around his shoulders
The speaker was sitting and following along
But his eyes in his heads were like boulders
He remembered introducing himself
Talking for what seemed hours
Then someone brought from a shelf
Something that made our speaker cower
A small bag of smack
They took from the back
Gave it to him for his money
He looked really glad his face was all sunny
He got ready to go when he stopped
The Boss man was smiling
His friends they were laughing
The man by his side sat quiet
His arm it was raising in glad greeting waving
Waving far above his head
That’s when our speaker stopped speaking
And revealed that the man with he had been conversing
Had all the time there been dead
Where the Governor lives in a trance
In the old days everyone believed
That the King and Queen
Through God received
Immaculate and unquestionable knowledge
We replaced the King and Queen
With elected representatives
Who were to see after our interests
But first check with us on all matters of import
Things have strayed away
From those original logical ways
Now this is a strange today
Where some elected officials
Are now Oracles
For example let’s look
At the wonderful book
That Governor Whitmer is writing in Michigan
This story I tell cannot be made up again
It all starts with money
And ends up with the same
For some the story is funny
For others a merry game
For the people who sicken and die
The Oracle will not cry
That’s not included in services
Provided by God in the sky
There was a shortfall in Retirements
That’s naughty for any governments
So something needed to be done
First they put cities and towns under the gun
Someone smelled a rat
So they tried to back off of that
But the losses from Russian and Chinese paper
Were looming up to be what they appear
So wild choices were made
They decided to trade
Michigan Citizen lives for pay
Michigan and New York had one thing in common
Both of their bank accounts had just about hit bottom
If they didn’t cover it up right
They’d have their dirt in the light
Then they found the radioactive waste
It was something sweet they could taste
The decision was made to move it away
In a shell game that would really, really pay
Trucks were made ready
They just had to hold steady
If their environmental friends found out
They would raise the ugliest shout
Lucky for them no birds or animals were in danger
Just some ladies and gentleman and their baby strangers
The retirement funds were stabilized
By mountains of atomic waste vaporized
Injected into the Earth
Now it wasn’t safe to give birth
But the investments were safe
In the struggling waste
That had become to be known
Municipal Retirement
It began to unravel
Not with a judge or a gavel
But when one lady spied what was coming in trucks
She realized quite quickly that it will also hurt children
If they try so hard to keep it away from the ducks
In Michigan you’ll know
It’s corn that they grow
All straight and careful in rows
If any defects are encountered
They are rigidly recorded and counted
So the defect doesn’t happen again
But as for people a whole generation
Is held with less than veneration
When it’s decided in a back room
That though cancer and birth defects loom
There will be no counting
Even as disaster is mounting
Because that would upset the political balance
So their party became a death dance
Welcome to Michigan
Where the Governor lives in a trance
But Chemicals They Keep On A List
Up in the sky the brown clouds fly
It’s hard to tell when they will pass by
White clouds come and white clouds go
Brown clouds move fast and move low
Sometimes the taint in the wind
Is invisible and they think it hides their sin
To be fair
Some are unaware
Of the harm they do to their neighbors
After all they are just doing their labors
Excuses aside
People need to see the other side
Of the action they take
And the results they make
It’s just another day when the breeze
Brings on a painful sneeze
Or the odor of paint and thinner
Comes down on the skin of the winner
How can this be good
To pain young lungs
In the neighborhood?
Exactly what purpose
Does creating all this refuse
Fulfill in the duties of life?
When actions by the absent
Cause parents undue strife
All because they can’t own but rent
Even homeowners here
Who have lived there for years
Are unable to figure what it’s about
Why should children cough when they go out
Neighbors don’t see
What happens to family
In the next town over
But they should know
The poisons from here find their way over there
Equally poisoning each other is not really fair
When all it does is profit some unknown persons
In the end what is happening only worsens
It used to be a glad and happy day
Work real hard and get your well earned pay
Now its changed
Into something strange
There is no beginning and no end
Just a flow of drugs and alcohol to bend
The mind, the soul, the body
Building a society sick and shoddy
To make it all worse
War looms like a curse
As they discuss what will feed the economy
They destroy farmland and cut up the agronomy
Then they look for their hope in astronomy
While children grow slowly
They hold the poor lowly
Crushing them not with their fist
But chemicals they keep on a list
The Republic Is Destroyed
There is a lawyer standing on Wall Street
Calling out that Corporations are people
Saying that if they are regulated
They will all be strangulated
A frightening thought if real
It just doesn’t have a truthful feel
Just across the way
Among the buildings of high steel gray
In front of the Federal Hall
Stands a woman talking to all
She says that freedom is for everyone
Everyone that walks under the Sun
The idea that a corporation
Can fight for a nation
Is the same as sending one on vacation
They are not able
To sit down at table
To make decisions on their own
They can’t even guarantee a loan
The lawyer shouts back
It’s the facts that you lack
A corporation can guarantee a loan
To which lady liberty laughs with a groan
Leave it to a lawyer to say something so silly
Everyone knows there is no guarantee
He sat on the sidewalk
His back to the wall
As he gazed across Wall Street to the hall
The sound of tramping feet
Sounded like sleet
As crowds of brokers and lawyers and bankers
Tramped bye
He had to look straight up to even see the sky
The woman continued
Liberty for all
Then tumult ensued
As the lawyer stood to make a call
Come all you bankers and lawyers and judges
Come all you Senators and Representative smudges
Stand here and be
A beacon for the free
It’s money that’s real don’t you see?
George Washington Stands
High above thronging bands
With his hand in the air
No wind stirs his hair
He looks on with dispassionate view
As if to say that man is lying to you
From history his voice
Sounded down stone valley
As he freely shared and said,
“Of all the dispositions and habits
which lead to political prosperity,
religion and morality are indispensable supports.
In vain would that man
claim tribute to patriotism
who should labor to subvert
these great pillars of human happiness
- these firmest props
of the duties of men and citizens
. . . . reason and experience
both forbid us to expect
that national morality
can prevail
in exclusion of religious principles.
No corporation attends church
No corporation votes
No corporation speaks of liberty and freedom
They are the bane of all free people everywhere
Listen said the woman
Standing on the stair
Harken to the words of Lincoln
I see in the near future
a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble
for the safety of my country.
…corporations have been enthroned
and an era of corruption in high places will follow,
and the money power of the country
will endeavor to prolong its reign
by working upon the prejudices of the people
until all wealth is aggregated
in a few hands
and the Republic is destroyed.
You See?
In the Sun on the sidewalk
I went along with my shadow
Though we didn’t make small talk
It was nice to have someone at my elbow
Though my shadow is good company
As my shadow does not talk too much nor too little
I would rather have you here with me
As you often test my courage and mettle
Walking along through the sunlight day
All alone but for the few passerby
My shadow was active and ready for play
Not one to let sleeping dogs lie
With my hands in the air
My feet on the ground
We made quite a pair
Though we made no sound
People stopped and would stare
As I with my shadow would bound
Cross some lion’s lair
Jump right and turn around
As my shadow and I have no care
When you are with me
We are not just three
There is I, my shadow and you
And your shadow too
You see?
They said it was all fine
The things they brought up from the mine
They stand in a crowd and stare
Looking like they want to get out of there
Someone, somewhere, made a mistake
Or someone, somewhere, had been told to behave
Now derision and anger some take
While others scurry their fortunes to save
Oh, Niagara
Falling down upon my head
Oh, Niagara
I’d rather other news you brought
Some rivers run deep
Some rivers run wild
Some appear to be fast asleep
While some stretch on for miles and miles
Out by the Columbia River
Nearly two thousand miles away
They did things that made strong people shiver
They did things they tried to hide away
They lit the Earth on fire
With flames of flickering blue
The burning that never will tire
Light that never changes hue
They prepared a mighty explosion
When they were done they left for wealth and fame
Already built a deadly corrosion
When told the dangers they laughed just the same
Oh, Niagara
Falling down upon my head
Oh, Niagara
I’d rather other news you brought
Hiring men who had no idea
Of the things they were handling there
They paid them and just said, ‘See ya’
As the stumbled off to die somewhere
This fire that burns in the Earth
It burns through marble and soil
This fire of such fabulous worth
They value it more than oil
But the water was poisoned
They must do something
Move it away they reasoned
Then people will be aware of nothing
Oh, Niagara
Falling down upon my head
Oh, Niagara
I’d rather other news you brought
To Lewiston, New York they hauled it
By the Niagara River it was spread
Buried it in a giant pit
Whatever was in their empty heads?
So now, a hundred years later
They carry it over to Michigan
They have built a bomb proof crater
And quickly commit their sin again
Oh, Niagara
Falling down upon my head
Oh, Niagara
I’d rather other news you brought
This Beautiful Sky
One year there were one hundred thousand and three hundred and six
drug overdoses that resulted in death
Just in the United States
These are overdoses from illegal drugs
or illegally trafficked prescription drugs.
From nineteen ninety-nine to the present day
the United States has lost
over 1 million Americans to drug overdose.
How many more do you have to lose?
Which one of them all would you choose?
To live or die, to laugh or cry
To walk away from this beautiful sky?
These premature deaths
Under such vicious methods
impact the family and friends
of those who succumb very hard.
They have a destabilizing effect
on the communities in which they occur.
How many more do you have to lose?
Which one of them all would you choose?
To live or die, to laugh or cry
To walk away from this beautiful sky?
They cause a lack of confidence
in their local governments
And services such as medical and police.
not because they directly
caused these deaths
but because it is naturally believed
by custom that these organizations
are supposed to be trusted
with protecting people.
How many more do you have to lose?
Which one of them all would you choose?
To live or die, to laugh or cry
To walk away from this beautiful sky?
These deaths,
though possibly expected
after long periods of crisis
are nonetheless unexpected
and cause a great deal of tumult
Some of which can last a lifetime.
For those who survive
How many more do you have to lose?
Which one of them all would you choose?
To live or die, to laugh or cry
To walk away from this beautiful sky?
Doctors are still prescribing
opioids at very high rates.
The companies that made
and distributed pills
by the billions
have been sued in court
but even the worst among them
can take the cost of most fines, fees and judgments
off of their taxes
as a cost of doing business.
How many more do you have to lose?
Which one of them all would you choose?
To live or die, to laugh or cry
To walk away from this beautiful sky?
Most drug dealers have no idea
what they are selling.
For the few that do
the culpability in these deaths
is far greater
but ignorance is no excuse
for taking advantage of smuggling
that ultimately leads
to incidents of rape, assault, murder and suicide,
don’t you agree?
How many more do you have to lose?
Which one of them all would you choose?
To live or die, to laugh or cry
To walk away from this beautiful sky?
Eagles Will Go
Near my home is a broad plain
Within it is something called a mesic habitat
In the science of ecology a mesic habitat
Is a type of habitat
With a well-balanced or moderate supply of moisture
Throughout the growing season
It is also referred to as a mesic forest
Temperate hardwood forest
Or dry-mesic prairie
How much land can one corporation take
Just to shake
And break
Tell us then
Where will the Eagles go?
When there’s nothing left
Under the Sun
Where will the Eagles go?
Out of over twenty three thousand acres of land
One acre remains with its hard wood stand
Vernal pools rise in the Spring
Birds come and flock and fledge and sing
Among there in the tightly fit trees
There among the flowers and bees
A pair of Bald Eagles make their home
Swooping low over lake, stream and loam
How much land can one corporation take
Just to shake
And break
Tell us then
Where will the Eagles go?
When there’s nothing left
Under the Sun
Where will the Eagles go?
Very few people live in that place
You could walk all day and not see a human face
But piled high
Up to the sky
Are toxins, toxic chemicals, garbage and trash
When the fire burns through it turns to ash
Millions are paid
For the land where the garbage is laid
Undisturbed for hundreds of thousands of years
Money came along and chased off the deer
Turned it into a golf course
Cut up the land and worse
Then the trash company came
Billions of dollars strong
Bought up the land and brought toxins along
No one played at that golf course, of course
Because of the gasses, fires, odors and worse
How much land can one corporation take
Just to shake
And break
Tell us then
Where will the Eagles go?
When there’s nothing left
Under the Sun
Where will the Eagles go?
Now there’s one acre
For one pair of Bald Eagles
Whose families had nested there
For year upon year upon year
Now twenty generations
Will end with separations
As the greedy with grins
Complete their real estate fill-ins
After the fires the Eagles come to roost
Sitting upon ash and poisons
Waiting for the vultures and starlings
To uncover food
The age of discovery now has a new mood
How much land can one corporation take
Just to shake
And break
Tell us then
Where will the Eagles go?
When there’s nothing left
Under the Sun
Where will the Eagles go?
Turn your eyes away
Turn them away
The Corporation said the Eagles will go
Slowly Flashing Light
Over on the Boulevard
Lights entertain me still
Life is often hard
When the careless
Do what they will
Colored lights along the Boulevard
Shining bright into the night
Reflecting on the rain soaked pavement
Showing clear, slowly flashing light
Down, down on the Boulevard
Beyond the stores
By the old rail yard
It’s empty dark and lonely
It’s cool and cold sometimes at night
With only shapes in sight
Sounds of shoes on grit
Along the roadway flit
Click clack until you come back
No place to rest or sit
Colored lights along the Boulevard
Shining bright into the night
Reflecting on the rain soaked pavement
Showing clear, slowly flashing light
Down, down on the Boulevard
Anyone can see
No one can flee
The troubles and problems of day
It’s just an attempt that may not pay
To loose the yoke and say
I’m free, I’m free
Free for you and me
Colored lights along the Boulevard
Shining bright into the night
Reflecting on the rain soaked pavement
Showing clear, slowly flashing light
Down, down on the Boulevard
Darkness is final it fills all the night
It’s an odd thing to see all the welcoming lights
Twinkling and shining in all of their colors
In a world of hissing cars
The occasional roaring bus
How much can I miss us?
How much can go wrong?
It seemed such a fuss
That’s lasted so long
Colored lights along the Boulevard
Shining bright into the night
Reflecting on the rain soaked pavement
Showing clear, slowly flashing light
Down, down on the Boulevard
Turning up my collar
As I turn away to go
The road that I had followed
To escape my sorrow
Turning back instead
To the night heading towards the day
Whatever I was seeking
Surely got away
Colored lights along the Boulevard
Shining bright into the night
Reflecting on the rain soaked pavement
Showing clear, slowly flashing light
Down, down on the Boulevard
Down, down on the Boulevard
Showing clear, slowly flashing light
What Does It All Mean to Me?
Crackling lines
Stretched across the Earth
Sparkling lines
Run under the Sea
Competing as if it had some worth
Burning up everything that can be
It’s called communication
On the news and all for fun
Talking without reservation
About everything under the Sun
It’s all afterward
After it was done
The telling is awkward
Under the passing sun
Crackling lines
Stretched across the Earth
Sparkling lines
Run under the Sea
What does it all mean to me?
Sometimes they talk about hunger
Sometimes they talk about food
Sometimes they are happy and laughing
Sometimes they are stuck in a mood
Stories about death, life, love and hatred
Stories about stealth, strive, wealth being traded
Crackling lines
Stretched across the Earth
Sparkling lines
Run under the Sea
What does it all mean to me?
It was meant to teach everyone everything
Now it communicates virtually nothing
How much money we spend?
Just to reach towards the end?
Recently the truth
Bubbled up to the top
It’s so raw and wrong
People just want it to stop
Billions are spent on political views
Just to pass out ice cream on cues
Crackling lines
Stretched across the Earth
Sparkling lines
Run under the Sea
What does it all mean to me?
Hunger is calling
War is roaring
Any semblance of order has exited the banks
Now the rich who are soaring
Put their money in tanks
There’s profit to be had
When leaders go mad
Start burning cities for nothing
Then offering contracts
To build them up again
Crackling lines
Stretched across the Earth
Sparkling lines
Run under the Sea
What does it all mean to me?
To the Politburo of China
There were trees as far as the eye could see
Beyond, beyond they stretched until the axe came
Lumbermen sat at their kettles and set flame free
When the fires and cutting were done it was all the same
Empty and flat and done
No one felt they had won, except some
The wood went to Chicago, New York,
Raleigh and Baltimore
When they called for more lumber
There was no more
So the cutting went West
Then came the farmers and they smoothed out the plains
They planted the hills and valleys and covered the remains
They fed Chicago, New York, Raleigh, Baltimore and the rest
As time went by there came a supreme test
Should they continue to work or go take a rest?
Marshall, Marshall, the Marshall Plan
They tore up the farms
They tore up the land
In Michigan nothing could be finer
Than to turn over control
To the Politburo of China
Then the State Government came around again
Things weren’t going fast enough for them
They bought up the land to help their friends
Bringing the Earth, air and water to no good ends
Deciding on development in the great green west
They bypassed the cities as they claimed it cost less
To build on a green field gifted by Michigan
Then to get to work building the cities again
There was a small wrinkle as they proceeded along
There was a sour note in their money song
Tax money was used to build brand new infrastructure
Bridges and roads, rails and other structures
What? Said the taxpayers, Who are you kidding?
Billions of dollars to whom and for what?
Meanwhile our existing cities get diddly squat?
So the announcements quieted down
But they continued to break ground
To build a battery factory for a foreign brand
To build up the politicians in a foreign land
The final factory was to employ many thousands
Then many thousands more from vendors and suppliers
From looking at the glossies there would be job geysers
Marshall, Marshall, the Marshall Plan
They tore up the farms
They tore up the land
In Michigan nothing could be finer
Than to turn over control
To the Politburo of China
The problem, however, was that the jobs created
Weren’t the ones that you and I thought slated
In order to ensure that supply lines were taught
They brought in suppliers from people who fought
Liberty and freedom and fair trade at all
They were pretending to help
When they were just playing ball
With the country that causes international disruptions
That is loaded with misery, makes war and corruption
That didn’t stop the small minded deal makers
They went on pretending to be movers and shakers
As food prices rocket
They bit on a sprocket
And think that will make the banks unlock it
Now as we see they think it’s for free
Tax the people and give it to a friend
While they enrich the people who exploit you and me
And ensure they own the supply chains in the end
After all who are wrapped up in supply chains?
Is it the rich and the powerful and the party leaders?
Or is the people who suffer heartache and pains
Just to make the rich richer and greedier?
Marshall, Marshall, the Marshall Plan
They tore up the farms
They tore up the land
In Michigan nothing could be finer
Than to turn over control
To the Politburo of China
Lifts My Spirits Higher
Looking for a dream
Within a dream
Hearing your voice
Across the void
Lifts my spirits higher
Each day is a new and expanding adventure
Where I can see anything that I do
Is an exciting venture
Won’t you come along with me?
Looking for a dream
Within a dream
Hearing your voice
Across the void
Lifts my spirits higher
Days were empty
Nights were worse
Now my heart is filling
With song and verse
You are a new world
Of expanding domains
To lift up my spirit
All I need is to hear your name
Looking for a dream
Within a dream
Hearing your voice
Across the void
Lifts my spirits higher
When we’re together
I’m happy as can be
It’s just that you are with me
I hope that you can see
Simple touch and smile
Lasts me all the while
I hope that what I do
Is more than for you
Looking for a dream
Within a dream
Hearing your voice
Across the void
Lifts my spirits higher
You deserve the light of day
The dream dark of night
I love you when you say
You’ve got me in your sight
Looking for a dream
Within a dream
Hearing your voice
Across the void
Lifts my spirits higher
They Were On Their Way
We awakened to a new day
That wasn’t very bright
Some people had been hiding things
Just out of our sight
The air became polluted
So polluted you would cough
Until someone said, what is this?
Until someone said, enough!
It was a wild problem
One we couldn’t handle alone
So we reached out to our friends
And called them on the phone
We texted them for help
It wasn’t long that we heard back
They were on their way!
The gasses are invisible
They have so many names
They are so strange
Each one seems a riddle
Some, though, have an odor
So when we found one
We knew we could find more
It was a wild problem
One we couldn’t handle alone
So we reached out to our friends
And called them on the phone
We texted them for help
It wasn’t long we heard back
They were on their way!
The things in the water
They dissolved and disappeared
There was no way
To tell that they were there
Unless we used science
So we didn’t need to look everywhere
It was a wild problem
One we couldn’t handle alone
So we reached out to our friends
And called them on the phone
We texted them for help
It wasn’t long we heard back
They were on their way!
Using our books, cell phones and more
We went out into the forest
And checked out the dirt
Now we are in it
We are cleaning the Earth!
It was a wild problem
One we couldn’t handle alone
So we reached out to our friends
And called them on the phone
We texted them for help
It wasn’t long we heard back
They were on their way!
We aren’t ask why they did it
It’s all clear
They didn’t care
Maybe they didn’t understand
But it’s not for us to say
We will use our minds and strength
To find it, clean it
Do it all the right way
It was a wild problem
One we couldn’t handle alone
So we reached out to our friends
And called them on the phone
We texted them for help
It wasn’t long we heard back
They were on their way!
Is The American Condition
Helping is not just a word
Assisting is not just something to do
Giving a hand up
Is an American tradition
Helping each other
Is the American condition
The price of food is going up
Wages going down
Profits are out of site
For those who think they own the town
If we work together
We can make it all come right
If we fall out with each other
They will bring down the light
Helping is not just a word
Assisting is not just something to do
Giving a hand up
Is an American tradition
Helping each other
Is the American condition
When I was a little boy
I was told to get with it
If I worked it all alone
There was no way I would hit it
So we all worked together
To build new things right
Then things started getting better
It was out of sight
Helping is not just a word
Assisting is not just something to do
Giving a hand up
Is an American tradition
Helping each other
Is the American condition
People are going hungry
It’s not funny at all
If one of us is hungry
It’s coming to us all
If one of us can’t work
They’ll pull us with a jerk
We’ve got to stick together
Or this isn’t gonna’ work
Helping is not just a word
Assisting is not just something to do
Giving a hand up
Is an American tradition
Helping each other
Is the American condition
Driving, building, selling, creating
Moving, Warehousing, cooking and smelting
How many jobs can you imagine now
That used to be commonplace
Now no one knows how
They thought that they were clever
Outsource it to the world
How can things get better?
If we don’t have food and board?
Helping is not just a word
Assisting is not just something to do
Giving a hand up
Is an American tradition
Helping each other
Is the American condition
The jobs need to come back
Not just in a plastic sack
There’s not enough money
To pay without payback
Figure it this way
If all you do is pay, pay, pay
Never mind what does that leave you
Where does it come from I would say
Helping is not just a word
Assisting is not just something to do
Giving a hand up
Is an American tradition
Helping each other
Is the American condition
So now we go together
Into the great unknown
Where people once made steel
They can’t afford a broom
They are forced to live
In a single little room
To have towns living
From hand to mouth each day
Something’s got to change
It can’t go on this way
Helping is not just a word
Assisting is not just something to do
Giving a hand up
Is an American tradition
Helping each other
Is the American condition
On Your Track
Was a time when we were all alright
We had each other’s back
Kept each other in our sight
Now it’s a different world
All torn, broken and spoiled
If you’re not happy now
Just remember what I’ve got smoking
Think I’ll call me a lawyer
Get one down on your back
Think I’ll get me a lawyer
Teach you to stay on your track
Having a little discussion
Someone gets to rushing
A disagreement rises up
Just who is that dog’s pup
I bought it from you
You bought it from me
I’ll sue your house from under you
To get a hold of that little puppy
Think I’ll call me a lawyer
Get one down on your back
Think I’ll get me a lawyer
Teach you to stay on your track
Now there’s a construction tiff
Someone thinks they’re about to get stiffed
So they sit down and talk a while
Renegotiate with a smile
Till one or the other takes a fright
Now they’re about to have a fight
When one calls out in the tumult
The modern day’s banker insult
Think I’ll call me a lawyer
Get one down on your back
Think I’ll get me a lawyer
Teach you to stay on your track
Then a man finds out
His wife died of cancer about
Two years ago
It was fast in the end
But it happened real slow
So he turns to the law
To get some justice
There’s no one now
Who’ll say they saw
The company dump poison down
In the river and around all the lake
They threaten the widower
Again and again
What do you think you’re going to gain?
If you sue us now we’ll just complain
Think I’ll call me a lawyer
Get one down on your back
Think I’ll get me a lawyer
Teach you to stay on your track
The judge and the jury sit right down
Out comes the chemist
Out comes the clown
Everyone is fine with it
All through the town
Where else can you get work?
Do you want to shut them down?
Think I’ll call me a lawyer
Get one down on your back
Think I’ll get me a lawyer
Teach you to stay on your track
Keep you, keep you
On your track!
While We Wait
They say that fools rush in
Where angels fear to tread
I know I’d do it again
Without thought or dread
How can someone know
Who has not gone so far
To discover when they are low
They can still reach the bar
When you’re pursued by tigers
Through a wilderness of fear
It takes more than luck
To keep what you hold dear
In the audience of demons
Danger of failure lurks about
Some people lose their reason
Try to find some way out
With you here beside me
I see the true way’s passage
With your love here to guide me
I receive the true word’s message
Even on the pleasantest of days
Overwhelming odds can swell
Pushed in the Ocean past quays
Far beyond the warning bell
Still you touch ignites me
Your love like a firm tree stands
My hope is you that I can see
When I return from these strange lands
I recall the look on your face
Your dear visage turned to the sky
Across the worlds I trace
My track to you and I
Now I am pressed from all sides
What next will become of me
Beyond gray sky slides
The Sun easing into the Sea
The world turns to East
Stars rise in the heavens
Foes at hand I worry with least
While hold dear your love’s expressions
They don’t want to see these lives entwined
So they gather at the gates
Beyond their ken is love enshrined
While we wait to see refined our fates
When the Song of Sadness Lingers
Do you see it?
Can you see it?
Can you see it with your eyes?
Do you hear it?
Can you hear it?
Can you hear it with your ears?
Can you touch it?
Can you touch it with your fingers?
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it with your heart?
When the song of sadness lingers?
Suicidal ideation
is when you think about killing yourself.
The thoughts might or might not include
a plan to die by suicide.
They can certainly consume the self
Do you see it?
Can you see it?
Can you see it with your eyes?
Do you hear it?
Can you hear it?
Can you hear it with your ears?
Can you touch it?
Can you touch it with your fingers?
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it with your heart?
When the song of sadness lingers?
You may have heard suicidal ideation
referred to as “suicidal thoughts.”
Not everyone with suicidal ideation
Continues along and acts on it.
But if you or a loved one has it
you should get help right away.
Do you see it?
Can you see it?
Can you see it with your eyes?
Do you hear it?
Can you hear it?
Can you hear it with your ears?
Can you touch it?
Can you touch it with your fingers?
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it with your heart?
When the song of sadness lingers?
What should you Do if You Experience Suicidal Ideation?
You could reach out
You should reach out
I want you to reach out, please
To A family member or friend
To A crisis counselor on the phone
A doctor or therapist through the internet
A spiritual leader you can choose on your own
An Online support group
You can Text even now
Text HOME to 7 4 1 7 4 1 to reach a crisis counselor
9 8 8 just call 9 8 8 just call 9 8 8 to assistance and aid
If you’ve attempted suicide and you’re injured
call 911.
If you’re not alone,
ask someone else to do it.
Ask someone else to do it
Ask someone else for help
If you’re about to harm yourself, you should:
Call 911.
Call or text 988, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
You can also chat online using 988lifeline dot org slash chat
To speak to someone in Spanish, call 988 and press 2.
U.S. veterans or service members can call 988
then press 1,
or text 8 3 8 2 5 5.
To chat, go to veteranscrisisline dot net slash get-help-now chat
Do you see it?
Can you see it?
Can you see it with your eyes?
Do you hear it?
Can you hear it?
Can you hear it with your ears?
Can you touch it?
Can you touch it with your fingers?
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it with your heart?
When the song of sadness lingers?
It Goes On and On
Oh, no! The word comes down
We’ve got an uptick in numbers
From sixteen point four in 2001
It’s climbed to sixteen point seven
Good thing they’ll all go to heaven
The headlines are mute
They think it’s all cute
Some old guy is running for office
How does that suffice?
As our blood turns to ice
Seventeen soldiers a day
Take their lives in suicide
Why do they do it?
Why won’t they say why they do it?
There’s other things
More important on T V
Who caught the ball?
Who took the fall?
Who robbed the bank in Worthall?
It really doesn’t matter
That at halftime a clatter
Was heard from the room down the hall
The numbers clear
That in the U S A here
Veterans are four times more likely
To die by their own hand
Than from that of the enemy
Suicide levels are four times as high
As straight out death in combat
When some come home
The fight just begins
That’s what I’m trying to get at
No one talks about Hercules
Taking his ease
After he’s completed enormous labors
Same as with these
No one says please
Can you tell all about what you’re feeling
Even in special debriefing
When they tell their stories
They are warned not to talk
About it in passing
There’s some old lie
That can force any guy
To believe that these memories aren’t lasting
After all, it’s important
To the military arms
That the men and women
Go on combating
Who would still do it
If they knew it was permanent
That they could never go back
And undo it
You see they don’t show the combatants
When they return from the action
They don’t talk about wounds or the sorrow
It’s best they don’t mention it all
Else they ruin the ratings tomorrow
So the men and women go home
Maybe with one or more missing bones
Having lost a limb here or there
Some have lost eyesight
Can no longer see
Or their bodies have been scarred permanently
In our modern life
It’s more common strife
To talk about the fate of a chicken
Taken from barnyard to modern machine
To be turned into Sunday’s dinner
But no one mentions the even wilder machines
Intended to render human skeletons clean
Some go further
Turn bodies to burger
The survivor stands by all alone
They can fight and live on
Or just turn around and go home
If that happens a shower of shame
Is let down upon them by command
By women and men
Who stand in a tent
Looking at maps on a laptop
Casualty numbers you probably don’t know
Because they suppressed at the get-go
During World War 1 while the soldiers fought on
They treated the whole thing like a show
It was more than a year
Before they admitted my dear
That anyone had died let alone cried
So now in America
Our soldiers are falling
By their steady or trembling hands
By a gun or a pill or a jump or a knife
They do what they do to end their life
It’s what they see
It’s what they do
It’s what they’ve seen done
You see
That can drive a person
To turn on themselves
Some think when the announcement comes
The war is all done
But the truth is
It goes on and on
Green Made of Paper
There are many people in the world
Seeking out the dollar
They want it for everything
If they don’t get it they holler
Everyone accepts the dollar
Everyone trades in dollars
It was the solution to the money problem
After World War 2 when all the money
Was gone
All the money was gone
All the money was gone with the bomb
That blew a hole in the world
That burned down cities
The dollar rose up
Over Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden
Green carpeted the world
Green made of paper
Then it changed it changed over
To credit and figures
Mathematical equations
Providing descriptions
Without descriptions they just made them up
If you wanted more you had to sign up
The Federal Reserve, the World Bank
The World Economic Forum
Now it’s not a choice
Pay in dollars, buy in dollars
Borrow in dollars, Collect in Dollars
All the money was gone
All the money was gone with the bomb
That blew a hole in the world
That burned down cities
The dollar rose up
Over Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden
Green carpeted the world
Green made of paper
Some people are asking
What is the reason
For trading in dollars each season?
We have trading partners
We don’t need the dollars
What is the reason for keeping them
Comes the response
Level headed and clear
It’s all about credit, credit and dollars
Do you hear?
Then it starts rolling out
It’s the system established
Now you must pay
There’s nothing you can do
Nothing you can say
Just pay in dollars
Pay, pay, pay, pay
Then it turns into a shout
If you don’t pay in dollars
People will lose their confidence
It will all go wrong
They will all cross the fence
People will flee, don’t you see
From you and from me
To find a new world
Where the dollar is free
All the money was gone
All the money was gone with the bomb
That blew a hole in the world
That burned down cities
The dollar rose up
Over Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden
Green carpeted the world
Green made of paper
What? You might say, is this madness spewed out
Now it gets weird as they start to shout
You’ve hit a cord, a basic creed
It’s the idea that grew from that original seed
If you don’t use the dollar you see
What will you get? Global instability!
If you get away you’ll have your own say
Then you’ll have to feed your own people
Not buy our food
Nor our cars or weapons or airplanes
Where do you think that will get you?
All down the drain!
Protests and revolutions will start
Everywhere, everywhere!
We can’t let that start
These debtor nations can’t do what we do
We are the ones who make all the shoes
What will we do if you take care of you?
So beware of this thought
It’s good food you’ve bought
There won’t be anymore if you abandon the dollar
We have all the bombs and the tanks and the collars
Just stop it now or we’ll fix you but good
The rest of the was not in the mood
They turned away from the dollar that day
Now they raise their own food
And the murderers have all gone away
All the money was gone
All the money was gone with the bomb
That blew a hole in the world
That burned down cities
The dollar rose up
Over Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden
Green carpeted the world
Green made of paper
Were They The Best?
Some people like trains
They like to hear them roll on by
To hear their lonesome nighttime cry
Some people like trains
Just they way they were
But they’ve changed and changed again
They don’t carry people anymore
Just grain and oil and goods
Going from shore to shore
They said that switching over from coal to diesel
Was better for everyone but not if you breathe it
There was a time in America
When we could look out and cry
There goes the Detroit Flyer
Heading off to the mighty west
Those days are gone
Will someone say they were the best?
Now the rails are broken down and blue
They tear them up and put them down all new
Every carriage they carry over here
Comes from Seattle, New York or Baltimore
Carrying clothes, paint, wood and chemicals
Food and plastic and garbage that smells
There’s no work coming in on the train
No work coming by just stay in from the rain
There was a time in America
When we could look out and cry
There goes the Detroit Flyer
Heading off to the mighty west
Those days are gone
Will someone say they were the best?
A railroad car tips over
In New Palestine Pennsylvania
So the Governors of Michigan and Ohio
Put their heads together
Just shovel it up and move it along
Michigan will take it
You can dump it for a song
To dump garbage and nuclear waste in Ohio
In New York, New Jersey and Wisconsin
Could cost eight six dollars per ton or more
But in Michigan it costs thirty six cents
There was a time in America
When we could look out and cry
There goes the Detroit Flyer
Heading off to the mighty west
Those days are gone
Will someone say they were the best?
Then people in New York
Found radioactive material buried there
Burning its way to the Niagara River
So they dug it up and sent it over here
To Michigan, the land of landfill
To Michigan, once a beautiful place to be
Then the political families
Three generations deep
Decided they knew better and decided to sweep
This poison underneath our Earth
This poison they put under the dirt
There was a time in America
When we could look out and cry
There goes the Detroit Flyer
Heading off to the mighty west
Those days are gone
Will someone say they were the best?
They say they are political parties
The Governor belongs to one
Shows up once in a while in a helicopter
Then goes off to talk in Washington
Her supposed political opponent
Doesn’t even speak English properly
Did he buy his Ambassadorship with money
Or did he really get it for free?
He was an Ambassador from the Netherlands
Where is that? Look on both hands
He speaks Dutch we know that now
Kind of late, it’s been thirty years anyhow
There was a time in America
When we could look out and cry
There goes the Detroit Flyer
Heading off to the mighty west
Those days are gone
Will someone say they were the best?
Round and Round and Round
It’s been a while since I last saw you
Sometime before Covid hit
Now you’ve come out again
Taken a look at it
The world is still pretty as can be
During the time we’ve been in caves
We realized they treated us like slaves
Having to drive a car an hour more
Can surely make a homebody feel sore
Now you’ve got to buy a car they said
You’ll know why if you only use your head
But still taking twenty hours a week
To sit alone in one little seat
While driving two tons of metal and plastic
Just to make someone’s promises stick
Doesn’t make much sense to me
Now I think you surely see
Your life is to short to pass
Or offer it up for a tank of gas
We can reappropriate our lives
We don’t have to follow the signs
It’s a round, round world we live
But it’s a fact that we don’t have to give in
Just because the world is round
Doesn’t mean we have to circle
Round and round and round
Yesterday I said, ‘Let’s have a party’
Someone said, ‘Oh, no, Covid’s still out there’
So they hide inside
From all the fresh air
Missing the rising tide
A woman told me just last week
She had herself a future peek
She worked in an office with a manager
Who she was sure was a leader of renown
She asked him how he did it
He asked her what and he said he didn’t
He showed her a program he had written
With the knowledge he had collected
In a computer that sat on his desk each day
She wished it would just go away
He said he wrote that program
He showed it to her and said
It counts each second and minute
Each hour, each day and each year
It’s counting the days till I retire
Then I can begin really living that year
So she turned from that place and went
To work in the world for her rent
She found a way to get rich
Get rich she did
Then she spent it all trying to build
A house that would resemble Versailles
She thinks that she escaped the fate
Of the man who chose to sit and wait
But the time came around
Her wealth went aground
Now she’s disappeared along with her mate
I know this all because they played it on television
In the past people would have looked with derision
But today, you see, it’s just on T V
So they pay their monthly bill and change the channel
We can reappropriate our lives
We don’t have to follow the signs
It’s a round, round world we live
But it’s a fact that we don’t have to give in
Just because the world is round
Doesn’t mean we have to circle
Round and round and round
Before Money Takes It Away
When you see an Eagle spread its wings
You can think about better things
There’s freedom and liberty
All the good things for you and me
Some people want to spoil it
Set it all aside and destroy it
It’s up to you and I to preserve it
Before the money takes it away
There is a Mesic Plain near my home
Covered over with three hundred feet of filth
Don’t know how this all came to be
I was told it was because of choices
Made long, long ago
Choices turned into laws
That can’t be broken or changed
Not even to the Supreme Court
Nothing can be rearranged
They said things like this has to go somewhere
No one else will deal with it here
Then they pack up their money in bags
Drive off to drink down some beer
While we are left with red dust in the wind
While we suffer for all of their sin
The stench of the foul weather coming
Has destroyed the joy of the Summer
When you see an Eagle spread its wings
You can think about better things
There’s freedom and liberty
All the good things for you and me
Some people want to spoil it
Set it all aside and destroy it
It’s up to you and I to preserve it
Before the money takes it away
So they decide by rote and by column
Which community will be swallowed
Under plastic and P V C and rubber
Exposed to P F A S and PCB
Going home to their family and pets
They forget about all the rest
Terminating races of creatures
That have lived for hundreds of thousands of years
Fresh water now is all poisoned
It will take generations to correct it
They tell us it’s all based on science
That’s why they carefully designed
The landfill to look like a bathtub
When you see an Eagle spread its wings
You can think about better things
There’s freedom and liberty
All the good things for you and me
Some people want to spoil it
Set it all aside and destroy it
It’s up to you and I to preserve it
Before the money takes it away
So the Bald Eagles will die
A pair that did try
To make a new family here
Descended from families uncounted
There bodies won’t even be mounted
Just crushed under foot and by tread
The monstrous bulldozers will make them dead
As the children play across the street
Carcasses of chickens and cows and sheep
Are spewed out their blood poured on the ground
No offering to God right here
Just the bloody destruction of deer
The devil looks over it all
Spreads cancer with a filth caul
What will be birthed here from this place
Will be nothing with a human face
Rotting and stinking and burning
Where once young hearts were filled with yearning
When you see an Eagle spread its wings
You can think about better things
There’s freedom and liberty
All the good things for you and me
Some people want to spoil it
Set it all aside and destroy it
It’s up to you and I to preserve it
Before the money takes it away
Say thank you to E G L E
All their money, money, money
Say thank you to Van Buren Charter Township
Charter Townships are how rackets are founded
Now when we look all around us
See the families starting to flee
See the lost that could have been a baby
Tossed because of birth defects
As cancer consumes everyone’s effects
Those in power stand and cower
Before the rage of the monied corporations
Intent on some horrific revenge
That comes from their own gyrations
One day they will all be gone
Not too soon say the people they hurt
But before they go
Dance to their graves
They will have one more violence to show
Symbols of American freedom
Cast down, down into the soil of doom
By men and women whom
Count money more important than life
When you see an Eagle spread its wings
You can think about better things
There’s freedom and liberty
All the good things for you and me
Some people want to spoil it
Set it all aside and destroy it
It’s up to you and I to preserve it
Before the money takes it away
When All You Have Is A Fiddle
It’s hard to follow Us Versus Them
When you’re stuck in the middle
It all started out pretty small and pretty simple
The rich folks wanted a garbage dump placed
So they found some empty farmland between us and them
They called it a landfill rather than a dump
Because it sounds more appealing than to call it a dump
But a dump is what it was and a dump is what it is
They piled up their trash in little hills
Then came the taxes and the bills
Now they didn’t want to pay that
They said, ‘You didn’t say that.’
They wanted it all for free you see
So they want to talk to the company
The company said we can do that for free
For you, that is, everyone else pays money
So the rich folks were fine
They sat down to sign
A document called Us Versus Them
It’s hard to follow Us Versus Them
When you’re stuck in the middle
When they’ve got money
And all you have is a fiddle
So they went out for contracts
And the trash it did come back
In many thousands and millions of tons
The owners were laughing
The rich folks had fun
They built a big splashpad
The parents were all glad
But it was downwind from the dump
So they decided to go elsewhere for fun
They built a frisbee course
With only one hole of course
Bragged about it for a week in some rag
They put up two goals
On a field full of grass
And named it the Van Buren Charter Township
Soccer Stadium and Exercise Field
It’s hard to follow Us Versus Them
When you’re stuck in the middle
When they’ve got money
And all you have is a fiddle
Every once in while the trash it caught fire
But if you say so they’ll call you a liar
Red dust rises up and blows into houses real nice
Everyone gets covered, children and mothers
My goodness there’s even red mice!
Their prices were great
So they brought trash in by freight
From a hundred miles away and more
It got even worse as the imported the curse
From Canada and even the Eastern Seaboard
Michigan became known
As the Trash Garden Home
For anyone looking to dump
No one notice when the poison arrived in their sump
Strange odors and smokes
Raised up through the sky
All the animals went up and died
Now the last Eagle pair
Well, they don’t care
Next year their home gets bulldozed to clay
The only eagle they see
Is the one on money
To these folks national symbols are trash
They just want the cold hard cash
It’s hard to follow Us Versus Them
When you’re stuck in the middle
When they’ve got money
And all you have is a fiddle
So we have a cancer epidemic
People are getting real sick
But the contracts are all signed and sealed
They wonder why folks are complaining
As they bury their kin
Or pay through the nose for medical care
Some people believe them and think it is fair
Corporations have a right to exist
If people get in the way
They’ll just have to pay
If they also want to persist
It’s hard to follow Us Versus Them
When you’re stuck in the middle
When they’ve got money
And all you have is a fiddle
The positions these people take are a riddle
It’s hard to follow Us Versus Them
When you’re stuck in the middle
When they’ve got money
And all you have is a fiddle
Money Strapped To Your Shoe
We used to be a mobile people
Moving around from steeple to steeple
If work ran out over here
You just packed up and ran over there
It could be a little disorienting
But in a big country it’s not too bad
Better than sticking around wanting
You end up that way very sad
Now though it seems
There aren’t anymore dreams
There no place to go
Nothing to do
Unless you’ve got money strapped to your shoe
When the factories all closed down
You would have thought it brought death to the town
But most people all stuck around
To see what was next going down
Turned out nothing was coming
But new cars, Teevees and money
For everyone but those who needed it
If you want a job go and look for it
They still didn’t show
The manufacturing got up and go
Moved their production to old Mexico
Left us all holding the bill
Now though it seems
There aren’t anymore dreams
There no place to go
Nothing to do
Unless you’ve got money strapped to your shoe
Then the tide started turning somewhere
They must have told them to go over there
It’s safe and it’s quiet
And you just might
Find a job or a house over there
So they trickled at first
Then the dam burst
And the entered by millions and millions
Still the businesses pressed
No land costs redressed
Driving the farmers from their lands
Breaking up all the fruit stands
Firing guns into crowds
You know they can be loud
When their held in a soldier’s hands
The people didn’t know what to do
So out of their countries they flew
To the one place they trusted as safe
That would be the United States
Now though it seems
There aren’t anymore dreams
There no place to go
Nothing to do
Unless you’ve got money strapped to your shoe
Little did they know, though
That all of the dough
Had been confiscated and removed
By a very strange brood
Of bankers, investors and fabricators
Who wearing the mantle of honesty
Had all become deep seated cheaters
So when the people arrived
They were glad they were alive
But the streets are not paved with gold
And people are all bought and sold
The jobs they found were gone
To the places they left beyond
The horizon they had passed just back
Now the work they sought they lack
Now though it seems
There aren’t anymore dreams
There no place to go
Nothing to do
Unless you’ve got money strapped to your shoe
Some people cry outside in the streets
They take your jobs so they can eat
How can that make anyone feel better
When in the winter they can’t afford a sweater
There was a time when the world looked fine
There was always a little more time
Now the land has been bought through crime
There’s no new farmers towing the line
They have grown fat and lazy you see
As they employ the employee
Their hands out for hand outs
That are paid off by you and me
Corporations have scattered
Taken up all that mattered
They use words like love, hope and fame
While they smear the world with a stain
Of greed, malfeasance and ineptitude
I can’t think of the last time they did any good
Showing four billionaires walking in the vacuum of space
Is like taking a stick and smacking your face
When you can count the minutes and seconds
When you’ll run out of money again
Now though it seems
There aren’t anymore dreams
There no place to go
Nothing to do
Unless you’ve got money strapped to your shoe
Whatcha' Gonna' Do Today?
Eighteen a day
That's what they say
He was eighteen years old
When he signed his life away
Whatcha' gonna' do today?
Just give your life away?
To someone who doesn't even know
How to live their's?
Whatcha' gonna' do today?
When he took all his freedom
Tied it to a flag
Now he's in a body bag
Like seventeen others
Whatcha' gonna' do today?
Just give your life away?
To someone who doesn't even know
How to live their's?
Whatcha' gonna' do today?
Most people don't bother
To pay attention
At military career retention
Just who sticks around
And who is ground out
You know it's not the one found out
Whatcha' gonna' do today?
Just give your life away?
To someone who doesn't even know
How to live their's?
Whatcha' gonna' do today?
He sat in his house
With a gun in his mouth
Blew his head right away
If only he knew
He could reach out to you
Maybe it wouldn't have
Turned out this way
Whatcha' gonna' do today?
Just give your life away?
To someone who doesn't even know
How to live their's?
Whatcha' gonna' do today?
Sharing This Lifeline
When I met you I was empty
Now my life is filled with plenty
Family and friends and songs
I never knew it could be so good
I love to see you in the daytime
I live to see you in the nighttime
Reaching out to you
And sharing this lifeline
With you my side
I’ve walked the world wide
Went from mountain to ocean
And back again
I love to see you in the daytime
I live to see you in the nighttime
Reaching out to you
And sharing this lifeline
We have such wonderful children
They are doing so well then
Each moment that passes
I bless that I share them with you
I love to see you in the daytime
I live to see you in the nighttime
Reaching out to you
And sharing this lifeline
Each day in the morning
There be just more longing
For all the wonderful things
We don’t seem to have time to do
Because all of the time is spent
Living a wonderful life with you
I love to see you in the daytime
I live to see you in the nighttime
Reaching out to you
And sharing this lifeline
Looking For You
Walking down by the fountain
In the shadow of the mountain
I knew I’d be looking for you
No matter how much time goes by
I’ll be out here looking for you
I’ve swam in the Ocean
Walked on the Sea
Returned through the valley
Seen the rays through the trees
Smoke hanging dense
Along the stockyard fence
The rumble of trucks in the back
I knew I’d be looking for you
No matter how much time goes by
I’ll be out here looking for you
Working on the track on the high beam
Walking the steel or raising a scene
Quiet as silent
Or loud as a bell
I’ve looked in a canyon
Gave you a yell
But all that came back
Was my only lonely voice
Can’t tell if this all
Was once my only choice
I knew I’d be looking for you
No matter how much time goes by
I’ll be out here looking for you
The world is a beauty
As far as the eye can see
The scents are mysterious
The sensations comforting
But without someone beside me
It’s all just a dream
If only I’d dreamed
What could have been
I knew I’d be looking for you
No matter how much time goes by
I’ll be out here looking for you
I’ll be out here looking for you
Looking for you
It’s Another Chance to Play
This Old Man, he played One
He played Knick-Knack on the Sun
With a Knick-Knack Paddywack
Give the dog a Bone
This old man came rolling home
This Old Man, he played Two
He played Knick-Knack on the Moon
With a Knick-Knack Paddywack
Give the dog a Bone
This old man came rolling home
This Old Man, he played Three
He played Knick-Knack on the Sea
With a Knick-Knack Paddywack
Give the dog a Bone
This old man came rolling home
This Old Man, he played Four
He played Knick-Knack on the Shore
With a Knick-Knack Paddywack
Give the dog a Bone
This old man came rolling home
This Old Man, he played Five
He played Knick-Knack on a Hive
With a Knick-Knack Paddywack
Give the dog a Bone
This old man came rolling home
This Old Man, he played Six
He played Knick-Knack with the Sticks
With a Knick-Knack Paddywack
Give the dog a Bone
This old man came rolling home
This Old Man, he played Seven
He played Knick-Knack in the Heavens
With a Knick-Knack Paddywack
Give the dog a Bone
This old man came rolling home
This Old Man, he played Eight
He played Knick-Knack on the Gate
With a Knick-Knack Paddywack
Give the dog a Bone
This old man came rolling home
This Old Man, he played Nine
He played Knick-Knack really fine
With a Knick-Knack Paddywack
Give the dog a Bone
This old man came rolling home
This Old Man, he played Ten
He played Knick-Knack over again
With a Knick-Knack Paddywack
Give the dog a Bone
This old man came rolling home
Coming out of the night I can see the light
No more howling at the moon
Now that I’ve found you I can astound you
Lead you into the day
It doesn’t matter what went down
It’s another chance to play
You Are My Very Last Chance
I want to live with you
Breath with you
Listen to you
Your song, Your song, Your dance, Your dance
You are my very last chance
It’s been a long broken time
Dark skies in the day light passing
Cloudy nights and misty lights
Colored all green and blue
Until I met you
I saw you
Dancing in the waves
I knew than
It was possible
That I could be saved
I want to live with you
Breath with you
Listen to you
Your song, Your song, Your dance, Your dance
You are my very last chance
Now I’m standing on the edge of my life
Waiting for another go
The possibility to end this strife
I know it and I can let go
Running down to the river
To see what water roll on
That’s when I knew I loved you
And we would go on and on
I want to live with you
Breath with you
Listen to you
Your song, Your song, Your dance, Your dance
You are my very last chance
That’s All We Can See
Out in the Ocean
Away from the Sound
In the deepening, deepening waters
Whales are around
In those deep depths
Whales once abounded
Now they are few and we are many
Yet no one is astounded
Ocean so far from me
They call you the waters
They call you the Sea
Your children they took
From you and from me
It’s all in a book
That’s all we can see
We know the names
Of the might whale towns
How they sought out fame
Or at least a job
Captains made plenty
Companies made more
As for the sailors
They might as well stayed ashore
But there was no work there
All the fields they were empty
There were no libraries or hospitals
But lots of cemeteries
So they went to the Sea
Where others made a great story
About how they went aground
Or ended their lives in glory
Being struck down by lightning or wave
It was entertainment
How whalers went to their grave
Ocean so far from me
They call you the waters
They call you the Sea
Your children they took
From you and from me
It’s all in a book
That’s all we can see
Now they took in the whales
From all around the world
There wasn’t a civilized nation
With flags unfurled
That did not send ships
Out to find Leviathan
To carve them all up
Then after five years
Come back again
With barrels filled up
With whale oil rendered
So people could light lamps
Smooth thread
And other strange things
Ocean so far from me
They call you the waters
They call you the Sea
Your children they took
From you and from me
It’s all in a book
That’s all we can see
Then the oil was found
That came out of the ground
But the whalers kept whaling
Seeking the sound
Of the singing creatures
The size of a mound
They knew nothing else
So they continued to hound
The creatures whose travels
Were globally bound
Now many are extinct
They’ve gone from the Earth
No more to return
No more give birth
Even the greatest of creatures
Has the smallest of numbers
The richest of humans
Think nothing at all
That one of their ships
Would kill them all
By just heading straight on
Without concern
For all of the creatures
In front of their bows
Ocean so far from me
They call you the waters
They call you the Sea
Your children they took
From you and from me
It’s all in a book
That’s all we can see
What is the reason for plastics
From lands I can’t see
Do we need all these strange things
Carried on the sea?
Isn’t there a time think and stop
If we tell them there is
They say there is not
These are the new born whalers of old
They’ve sold their souls for silver and gold
As the Earth becomes quieter
And filled with dread
It’s a sorry reminder
The whales are all dead
Ocean so far from me
They call you the waters
They call you the Sea
Your children they took
From you and from me
It’s all in a book
That’s all we can see
God’s Face
There are billions of stars in the sky
Many more than we can see with our eye
Many more than we can with telescopes
Many more than we can even imagine
Our computers and machines
Cannot fathom
Even the simplest counting of stars
Would take eons for them to get very far
Black holes and vacuums
Asteroids made of glass
Some planets with ice mountains
Others just made of gas
With temperatures beyond comprehending
Seem to have existed all without ending
Yet we are told sure and true
The exact number is known now too
Give or take two billion years
We know it now and can rest our fears
I never feared the age of the Universe
Yet I question the idea of these years
For they started with thirteen point eight
Now some say twenty-six point seven
Is the time it took to make heaven
They changed it you see
Because they found at least three
Stars that were older than that
The new number is the hope
That they will keep it in scope
And they can on with their fantasy
That there was nothing
Then there was something
With not reason nor meaning at all
In short, they’ve decided
To let someone else take the fall
Slowly, slowly, maybe
They have knowledge it seems
That they feed to you and me
It is easy to fool even very smart folks
If there is no real answer at all
They simply ask you to agree
To believe them and that’s all you see
So the wonders of the Universe unbounded
Of which in this world we are surrounded
Are broken down by a few
As a job that they do
Without regard for what we see
With no attachment to what we all know
Of course the Universe will continue to grow
As we look farther the maps will expand
There are more stars and worlds
Than ever there have been grains of sand
One day we will walk upon foreign worlds
We will see silent stars, invisible whirls
Powers beyond our ability to see
Beyond that again, again, again
For all eternity
Should we falter
And lose our halter
We will arc through this fabulous place
Filled all with glory
As we seek to gaze upon God’s face
So Be Sure
Look at the Earth
Land of your birth
You won’t get another
This is the one that you have
Even if someone should fly far
To the Moon, Venus or Mars
It is unlikely that you will go
The question becomes then so
What is the reason you allow
Others to destroy your air
Your Water
Your Earth?
What do you think
You will leave of value
To you children or others you love?
Do you think that a world
Where you can’t breathe air
Drink water or walk barefoot
Is a good thing to have?
Do you believe they will thank you
When the look at the paintings of old
When they look at the pictures
Of all the things that were sold
Struck down from the face of the Earth
Do you think they will understand
When all they inherit is sand?
Visit any Zoo
Any Zoo you care to at all
They are filled with creatures
That are facing
Their last chance at life in this place
How it got like this is of no concern
When you find a fire you put it out
Then you look for the reason it started to burn
Look at the things that are happening
Wars and pestilence are two
These are the ones used to frighten you
There are other more dire
Things at hand that are the fire
Here, I will tell them to you
It up to you to find something to do
In the far off countries
Where rich people like to fly to
Where they lay on the beach
Just out of reach of the poverty, ignorance and violence
The lands are dying from thirst
While in others the dams are near burst
The people there don’t know how to fix them
They were built to bring electricity
But for what? They can hardly afford clothes
The work that they do is for you
In sweatshops and dirty factories
Built up on farms and in forests
In jungles they chop down the trees
The people have no way to heat their house
They have no way to cook their food
The companies that go there open a store
That’s right, it’s a company store
They say they’re the richest on the planet
Mighty and strong and free
But when the people there rightly rise up
These maniacs turn to you and me
They take up taxes and buy more axes
They go cut down more trees
So their firebases, airports and taxis
Destroy what people go there to see
It can’t last forever that’s true
Now it must be clear even to you
You can’t have others work for you
Then pay them with what?
If you have no jobs and no future
While riches for some are sure
The balance can’t stay that way
Eventually, read the history
They will want you to go away
So they will try to make you go away
They will succeed for a while
With their merry smile
Till the tide turns against for sure
The world will not wait
To come and take
What was taken from them so be sure
Thirty Five Years
Thirty five years is a long time
For such short lives
Thirty five years full of love and rhyme
For such a family shines
Who would cut that short
For a few dollars more?
There are Bald Eagles
Finally coming back to us
Destroyed by chicken farmers
Strange people who fuss
Don’t forget the DDT
Which still effects you and me
There are Bald Eagles
Finally coming back to us
Thirty five years is a long time
For such short lives
Thirty five years full of love and rhyme
For such a family shines
Who would cut that short
For a few dollars more?
When Bald Eagles pair up they do so for life
Come what may be it good or for strife
Building a nest they call home
Some by season will roam
Then return back to their very own forest
Carry on in their familial nest
Thirty five years is a long time
For such short lives
Thirty five years full of love and rhyme
For such a family shines
Who would cut that short
For a few dollars more?
In Michigan you see life comes second
It’s always money that surely will beckon
The greed and unthoughtful
Believe destruction is bountiful
They go around destroying the world
Pulling down trees and filling in lakes
They call it filling in as they scrape it all down
What’s created doesn’t look like a town
Thirty five years is a long time
For such short lives
Thirty five years full of love and rhyme
For such a family shines
Who would cut that short
For a few dollars more?
There’s a sentence they say
As they take it away
This stuff has to go somewhere
What they refer to is
The waste management biz
That made a commodity of garbage
As they sit and stuff their faces
They destroy pristine places
That we need for fresh water and air
It’s clear that they just don’t care
They pile it here and they pile it there
It soaks through the soil like a boil
Until it’s in the water, air and Earth
They put out promissory notes for worth
The Enemy of Every Boy and Girl
Nothing will change
What they are doing is strange
Unless its brought to a stop once for all
The politicians are laughing and having a ball
It’s not their fault they say
It’s not like we’re building a wall
But it’s a wall for sure
Separating the rich from the poor
The joke is on them
Made by the wind
Still we think it sad
It has come to their very
Thirty five years is a long time
For such short lives
Thirty five years full of love and rhyme
For such a family shines
Who would cut that short
For a few dollars more?
Gonna’ take a walk around my neighborhood
Hey! Everything is doing good
Bright shiny morning ahead of me
I’ll got out and see what I can see
Across the street in a little ditch
Is a mark of tar and a little pitch
Something coming up from the soil underground
Floats on the water and floats all around
Then I walk a little further then
Going to pass by the fence
Of the furious automaker
They put out a robot
It’s a regular haymaker
If it sees you or senses you
Out comes a horn
Supposed to make you feel
Like you should never’ve been born
Then comes a loud voice
Screaming from the speaker
You are on Private Property
The Police have been notified
It shouts it out again and again
It supposed to teach you a lesson
Don’t walk in the road
Avoid the sidewalk
Don’t walk at all
Just remain alone at home
Across the street
From that wonderful treat
Is leaking chemicals from the soil
Don’t know what it is
But looks like gas residue and oil
Never dries up even the hottest of days
Never freezes up even the coldest of nights
We’ll leave it right there to take in more sights
There is a rectangular building
With a sign on its side
Beware, Beware, Beware
Isocyanates inside
They make truck bed liners there
You’d know what they were
If you had five thousand extra
To drop on pickup truck toy
Go a little farther and now you’ve arrived
Where the gasses are burned
Burned up alive
They come from the landfill
The extract the methane
Everything else is burned with a flame
Heavy metals and volatile organic compounds
The stuff that gives you cancer
Just like it sounds
Turn to the left
There’s an abandoned auto dump
They just graded over its viscous sump
Stinking like diesel dust rises in the air
Here comes the inspectors
Don’t think that they care
The muck is draining all down in the ditch
It’ll be in the river in no time lickety split
Now turn to the right
See what’s blocking the light?
That’s a garbage dump landfill
Megalandfill that’s right
Filled with all sorts of things
That just ain’t right
If you think you live in the modern day future
Just stop these landfills and I’m pretty sure
You’ll find yourself finding it hard to explain
How they do something in public that so full of shame
They poison the air, water and soil
With all sorts of chemicals, fibers and coils
The piles grow and grow and so does their money
Mounting healthcare costs are just not so funny
When a child is wheezing and coughing and hacking
It’s a wonder they could get financial backing
But the statistics say that some must die
Might as well be the elderly and children
Who live nearby
After all they deserve it don’t they?
If they hadn’t have moved there
They wouldn’t be in the way
So quietly, quietly, see over there
They bury the people the rich cannot bear
Don’t ask if it’s okay
Or ask if it’s fair
They are not concerned about their actions
Nor their effects
They don’t even bother to track
Numbers of birth defects
In the nineteen fifties
The coined the slogan then
Michigan, Michigan
The Water-Winter Wonderland
It’s kind of mixed up
But what did you expect
From clueless fellows who didn’t suspect
They’d mixed up science with garbage and trash
They’ve been spared though you see
They’ve all gone to ash
Left us with debris
That fools want to stash
On top the Earth and poison the world
They are the enemy of every boy and girl
It Isn’t Over In A Day
You don’t have to practice a religion
To understand the Passenger Pigeon
It’s written up in the books
If you want to take a look
This world has gone astray
Thinking killing is okay
There is nothing left to say
When you take something away
That little colorful pigeon
Lived across North America
Flying in flocks so large
They would darken the Sun
This world has gone astray
Thinking killing is okay
There is nothing left to say
When you take something away
Something went wrong
It didn’t take long
For the farmers to start firing
On the birds all flying
This world has gone astray
Thinking killing is okay
There is nothing left to say
When you take something away
Some hungry people took them
But the real destruction came
When they stopped being game
And were called vermin
This world has gone astray
Thinking killing is okay
There is nothing left to say
When you take something away
They blew them out of the sky
As they flew over passed by
They burned down roost trees
Just to get them to flee
This world has gone astray
Thinking killing is okay
There is nothing left to say
When you take something away
So their numbers reduced
Reduced, reduced, reduced
They were sure if they got rid of them
Their crops would flourish again
This world has gone astray
Thinking killing is okay
There is nothing left to say
When you take something away
On September 1, 1914
The last one was seen
Martha died in the Cincinnati Zoo
Frozen in a block of ice
Sent to the Washington, DC
The Smithsonian Institution skinned her
Dissected her Photographed her
Stuffed her with saw dust
Then put her on a shelf
This world has gone astray
Thinking killing is okay
There is nothing left to say
When you take something away
Extinction, you know
Isn’t over in a day
Meeting Adjourned
The fat man sits in his seat
The off to his left
A woman says we don’t want that here
As he bites into a chicken leg he says
It has to go somewhere
A man steps up to the mike
To talk to his neighbors assembled
He asks why it has to come here
The fat man says
It has to go somewhere
A little old lady comes up
She holds up a newspaper high
We just want to know, why, why, why?
The fat man sips a Coke
Says he to her someone’s got to take it
His friend laughs behind his hand
The fat man says, Just Fake it
Man after man
Woman after woman
Come up and speak at the podium
The fat one listens with odium
He says Well, we didn’t make them
The night continues on
Until it comes to the end with one
A child says It’s enough
The fat man starts to cough
Chokes on his chicken bone and falls
His friend moves into this seat
Says, now my friend is dead at my feet
We will take him over to the dump
Drop him down the hill to see
Just how far he will roll
Into the muck and oils
The clay and dust and coils
As for me
I must say
This all has to go somewhere
Someone has to take it
Why not here?
Meeting adjourned
We Thankfully Pray
What causes them anxiety?
What is the reason for their fear?
Don’t they have enough variety?
Are they afraid eternity’s so near?
We can’t find a job
Because they made more rules
No matter what you do
They treat us all like fools
Some don’t hire because of age
Some don’t hire because of sex
Some don’t hire because of color
Some don’t hire because it’s all a mess
So workers wait
While work stands by
They take the bait
And in they fly
Workers by the score
The hundreds, thousands
And more
Coming to work and do and more
Oh, they are so happy
All the others feel so sappy
What did they do wrong?
Did they sing the wrong song?
It’s just the way it is
No need to say Gee Whiz
You can’t change the fearful one
Especially when they think they’ve won
So they rake in all the money
The prices go up for the many
They thing they’re winning
Some sort of game they’re playing
They don’t even know the rules
They pretend at what they’re saying
Work eight hours a day
Drive an hour each way
Sit and lunch
Have a brunch
Just make sure you don’t say
You’re not happy with the crowd
You don’t like it so loud
Just work, work, work
File the form, send the email
Call the clerk
In the end it’s all merry
There is no need to worry
You’ll get to heaven in a hurry
One or two ask
Where do I get off?
The boss asks
What, are you soft?
No, I just don’t want to play
To be sure it’s a waste of a day
If it weren’t for the food
You’d see it wasn’t good
There’s no beginning and no end
This isn’t the life that God sent
But they just refuse to bend
Their own wounds they can’t mend
I am slowly turning away
With others to the new day
Come and join we say
It’s a new life
We thankfully pray
Go Fallow
If I don’t get some
Then you will get none
You don’t seem to understand
Who has the upper hand
The banks are all flush
With nothing but slush
They made it all up
From out of thin air
Seven trillion in derivatives
Backed up by loans and laxatives
It can never be paid back
Unless it’s all dropped in their laps
Meanwhile the bread price increases
Rent and water never decreases
Rushing to work never ceases
They tie us with lifelong leases
And say it’s our honor to serve
It will all be gone one day
Even though they may pay, pay, pay
If you think it doesn’t make any sense
Then you’re right it’s all nonsense
You can’t get the world to obey
By pretending to be above the fray
They are not the ruling class
It’s clear they’re made of glass
People are working many years
Driven on by outside fears
Then they get to the day to retire
Lay down their lives and lose their fire
Their families are lost without life
All the work and all that strife
Has cut a hole in many hearts
Leaving nothing but jumble parts
Meanwhile the bread price increases
Rent and water never decreases
Rushing to work never ceases
They tie us with lifelong leases
And say it’s our honor to serve
Families shiver in the cold
While their lives and homes are sold
To others too greedy to notice
They’ve picked out their grave price
Taking a turn on the merry-go-round
Listen only for the command sound
Now do this, now do that
No, you’re not allowed to go back
So the children are born
Parents dies
The process is worn
So they lie
It’s not over money they say
Behave, behave, behave
It’s not about color at all
Sign here and mark your color there
Age doesn’t matter
Please check the box next to your age
Your sex doesn’t matter
Please enter your preference for title
Pay is unimportant the work is really grand
The pay is alright but you will have to stand
We have no chairs here
One water fountain for three thousand
You’re allowed to bring your own bottle
Don’t look so troubled and sorrowed
We are an international company
We hire equally
You can rise through the ranks
As long as you were born in the right country
When it’s all said and done
You’ll be put on the run
We have no more need for you
Well, that is just so
Now you must go
This system is not civilized
Now go and don’t be surprised
Meanwhile the bread price increases
Rent and water never decreases
Rushing to work never ceases
They tie us with lifelong leases
And say it’s our honor to serve
We used to dream
Now we just wait
It takes long it seems
For them to decide who to hate
The last two months
We have heard from candidates
While the real President
Is kept hidden in a Cabinet
Now they are talking about World War three
They seem to want to kill everyone and me
What did I do to them?
That my servants would revolt
Tell me what to do
Instead of doing what they are told
We’ve made it all clear
Year upon year
There will be no war over there or here
Still they go on
Rattling along
Singing the same hateful songs
It’s got to end somewhere
So I guess it will be now
There’s no more fighting over the how
They will know right now
If we don’t get some
Then they all get none
That’s just the way it will be
That is just the way that it is
They laugh and they joke and they call it a biz
But their so deep in debt and you know it’s no joke
All their money and credit is smoke
They eat fancy foods and have depleted our stores
Instead of working hard they just ask for more
Revenge and violence are all that they know
They think this is all just a show
So put them all out they are out on their own
My life’s not for sale nor for loan
So the day can come quiet
Without any upset
With no lies nor gesturing madness
Just a fine breakfast
Some coffee and toast
A day full of fun and of gladness
They won’t go quietly
But go they will
They may sit there silently
Behaving all violently
But there’s too many of us to care
That these men and these women
Whom we trusted to work
Turned out to just sit and stare
They make secret deals
They take away meals
They run innocent people to debt
Then they steal what they have
Let it all out for let
The rent they collect
Makes them suspect
They’ve latched on to some evil deed
It’s anger and hatred that makes up their feed
You can see the fruit they sow from their seed
So, go, go, go now
Or we will take you somehow
There is no reason now to protest
Just take your evil, go home and rest
Time to let your fields of sorrow
Go fallow
Good Fortune Like Rain
Coming across the Ocean
Looking for a dream of peace
The Mother and Father done roaming
They have come to Wayne for life
Work in all the trades
From metal to wood to glass
Everything is made here
With excellence made to last
Wayne, founded in the wilderness
Built upon the knowledge of the ages
At the Rouge Lower Branch
Intersection of the trade routes
Of the Native American nations
We have built a wonderful city
Of worth and value so pretty
Where others stand aside
The people of Wayne open wide
Their arms, hearts and pride
To welcome the traveler well inside
We’ve made cars and planes and machines
That have been transported across the nation
To far and wild destinations
All across the face of the globe
Now we are engaged in new endeavors
Enterprise to be admired
As we ride out to help our neighbors
By us their imaginations fired
As we find new products
Inventions and methods
Never done before or now recreated
By our hearts and minds and hands
What we make next will soon be revealed
It’s a wonderful challenge and blessing
That so many have come here to help
To build new things and invent them
To feed, house and care for people
All around the world
It was a great day in the morning
When Wayne’s flag was first unfurled
Reaching wide with the American dream
It hasn’t always been peaches and cream
But see what happens as we strive forward
What we are creating is more than it seems
With patience, kindness and fortitude
With a propensity to speak the truth
The people of Wayne don’t seek solitude
We seek what is good for the Earth
For our families and friends and neighbors
We keep a safe harbor here
When someone comes to us wanting
They are never sent away bare
We have learned still learn from the Old Ones
From the people who have come by
Who settled here for eons
Now reside with us in our lives
So be fair, be free all you people of Wayne
Recall we are no strangers to pain
But regardless of all with love and with courage
We will rise up again and again
Bless you my brothers and sisters
Let good fortune fall upon you like rain
New Beginning
Bob-White goes the call
In the morning and night
In the Spring and the Fall
In burning sun and dying light
The sound of my father’s whistle
Come across and through thistle
As he told me of the bird
That once wandered
How many there were to be seen
With their clear quiet song
They’d go walking along
Big male in front
With family trailing along
Now I’m wondering what he was telling me
As I sit in a chair by the Sea
My daughter and son are playing
In a pool close by with their friends
My father has long gone by me
Passed into the Heaven and Sea
Now I sit with his memory beside me
As I watch over my family
So I took my young son with me
Out to the forests so wild
We heard the call of the Bob-White
Which made me stop and smile
So I told my own son the story
Of the bird and the world in its glory
He asked me if we might see one
I said I don’t see why
But we might have to head
Into the brush
So the very next day we returned
We parked by the side of the road
I was ready for anything
If it took all day
So to my father and God I prayed
We sat in the vehicle and prepared
Suddenly down through the air
Came the song of the Bob-White there
In the road before us
Singing up a chorus
Came Pappa Bob-White along with his flock
Walking along in a line
They crossed the stony, sandy road
Moved off in the brush
While I sat there in earnest amazement
My son laughed and laughed
As he whistled Bob-White in the morning
And that bird he answered right back
With a happy song of glad tiding
And new beginning
Crashing Down
There were trees down along the valley
Three hundred feet high and two hundred years old
Sheltered villages of high peaked rooves
Pathways made for feet and for hooves
When the snow came down
Blanketing the Earth
The boughs kept a boundary
Between the sky and the land down below
When they new people came
They all staked their claim
It was time for the trees to go
So they cut them down
They dug in with ploughs
Burned up the boughs
Ran all the game to the ground
What was once a cacophony
Now had no sound
It was a land without wild animal nor tree
Farming takes work and they laid in to work
Cutting the Earth with a blade
Up came up life and food for the many
It was good work that they made
They fired the furnaces
Burnt metal to beams
Filled up the sky with their dreams
Still they went on
Never knowing where they were going
It was best just to be getting on
Then the war came
The promise of fame
Little oversight as long as they produced
It wasn’t long before by greed they were seduced
Short cuts here and there
Became the reality everywhere
They exploited every poison on the shelf
Never even caring for family or themselves
So they produced a flood of refuse
Boiling and roiling chemicals spoiling
Radioactive matter never seen before
They spilled it all out on the ground, on the floor
The rivers rolled red, green and blue
They collapsed and caught fire by hue
They taught their children to take what they could
To hide and run to the wood
Save it, save it, and hold on to the power
When the war is done that’ll be your hour
But when that war ended
They started again
Leave all the rest of us stranded
As their poisons they grew
Good people were few
They kept their heads down and kept on
Now they’ve poisoned the Earth, water and air
Forget about asking if they care
They are as blind as the bats
That they collected in vats
To render Covid to find new disease
No need to say please
Stop you now
It’s their lives and they don’t know how
With three weeks of food in the pipeline
They think they can choke off our lifeline
But as much as they demand and whine
We’ll get along just fine
When this all crashes down on their heads
It’s All Set In Gold
We walked onto the land
Delivered from Jupiter’s change
Back when times were not so strange
As we step into the world
There now see the seabirds fly
Feel the sand and hear the wind
Just be free and laugh again
As you step into the world
Oh, when the wind turns round
I will come back to shore
Oh, when the wind turns round
I will come back to shore
I’m gonna see it
I don’t have to leave it
I wanna share with you what’s mine
Let your soul and spirit shine
Together we will wind
And step across the world
Oh, when the wind turns round
I will come back to shore
Oh, when the wind turns round
I will come back to shore
I’m gonna see it
I don’t have to leave it
I wanna share with you what’s mine
Let your soul and spirit shine
Together we will wind
And step across the world
Come now my life
Let us live for all time
The world turns beneath us
The sky above turns for us
It’s all set in gold
His Blessings To Show
Down by the houses
Near the old oak tree
A man came out
Bent down on his knee
He drank from the cup
Then he turned it up
Sprinkling some drop of
Wine upon the tree
When he turned back
There was a man in black
Whose face was set in marble
His words fell like stones
That is not good Senor
It will come to no good
It will bring you no more
Bring rain on your brood
He stood there in silence
Looking upon this man
So like an apparition
Behind some partition
He said it’s no matter, Father
What you may think
I was just standing here
Having a drink
I know what you’ve done
You don’t have to lie my son
This land it is old
When the Sun is gone it’s cold
Do you know everything?
He asked with no smile
No the answer came back
But I’ve been here a while
This land all around you, Senor
Has been for ten million years more
The Devil has had it
All the time in his hand
Yes, this all around
Has been the Devil’s land
Christ has just won it
The battle was done
But the light does not show
When there is no Sun
He looked at the priest
Stood poised like a beast
His breath came out in a blast
He dropped his head
And said at last
It is no matter
We have come a long way
If Christ is here
We will meet him cheer
We will keep our lamps burning
Trimmed and turning
For the wayfaring stranger
Here the way will be clear
I hope this is true my son
Only you know your heart
When the Devil is stirring
That is time to play our part
I wish you good day
Hope you find your way
You know where I am
May God with you
And also with you
The rough man said
As the priest turned round
Took his mule and led
His way down
To the valley below
Heading up to the road
His blessings to sow
Close By My Girl
The city is rumbling to life
Waking up from it’s darkness and strife
I’ll go out on my way
Be back by and by
Tonight we can go out to dance
It’s world where I work in a trance
People fly by all in a whirl
I just want to stay close by my girl
There are ships off down by the quay
Get unloaded by men so angry
They spend all their day
Trying to make their way
But they never go out to the Sea
It’s world where I work in a trance
People fly by all in a whirl
I just want to stay close by my girl
The offices are crowded again
The bossman quiets himself with gin
Clerks rush about
Underneath his sharp shout
When they end they start up again
It’s world where I work in a trance
People fly by all in a whirl
I just want to stay close by my girl
One day we’ll save enough to get gone
Now we just have enough to live on
I look at our neighors
And I wonder what favors
I need surrender to go on
It’s world where I work in a trance
People fly by all in a whirl
I just want to stay close by my girl
The sky is so blue in the sky
If I could just see it some more that’d be fine
It is crisscrossed with buildings
Up high to the clouds
At least up there there’s no crowds
It’s world where I work in a trance
People fly by all in a whirl
I just want to stay close by my girl
Riding the subway is crude
People in numbers can be so rude
There’s no doubt about it
It’s all come to this
It’s all been a sad interlude
It’s world where I work in a trance
People fly by all in a whirl
I just want to stay close by my girl
There are mountains and forests and air
You can live, really live out there
Where the clouds are all white
You can see with your sight
Across great expanses so wide
It’s world where I work in a trance
People fly by all in a whirl
I just want to stay close by my girl
Your arms are my comfort here
Your life has made my life so clear
I hold you in love so dear
Your strength is an anchor to me
One day I’ll take you away
One day then I know you will see
It’s world where I work in a trance
People fly by all in a whirl
I just want to stay close by my girl
Firmly Believing
When science is used to create new things
People have been taught to trust them
These new things are amazing things
There couldn’t be anything wrong with them
But that is not so, it has been taught all wrong
In the days when science exploded
Quite literal among us
The logic of life was eroded
Unequal burdens placed upon us
Taking the air from someone else
Is not allowed for anyone
Taking the water from someone else
Is not allowed for anyone
Taking the Earth from someone else
Is not allowed for anyone
But in this world
The way it is now
It can all be done
Without a gun
Just a guarantee
That payment is made with money
So tons of pollutants waft into the air
Tons of toxins flow into the water
Horrible things are buried in the Earth
While the science is ignored
Because the rich are bored
They pay for the lies we are told
They don’t even have to be bold
Because the liars’ souls have all been sold
To the highest bidder around
Maybe what I am singing is not clear
But just across the street over there
Twenty six thousand tons of one toxin
Is permitted to escape from a factory’s flues
All because the company paid State dues
Just a half mile away
A company buries in clay
Things that would burn your skin
They let it soak into the Earth
Just a mile away
A rich community has their way
Dumping their waste in the river
That flows down around this way
They all pay in the end
As to the air, Earth and water they bend
Never realizing what they have done
Until cancer, birth defects and disease start to run
Even then though these things hurt them
They never act against them
Firmly believing science protects them
Your Sound
Blue, blue fire
Burning under the ground
Lost for so long
Then now recently found
Blue, Blue fire
Burning rocks in the Earth
Left for so long
Dug up now to a new birth
Blue, blue fire
Radioactive, mysterious, dangerous
What can it give?
Experiments showing already glowing
Blue, blue fire
Carefully separated
From soils and Earth
Marie Curie’s life took with the curse
Blue, blue fire
It soon became clear
That this new material
Would fill the world with fear
Blue, blue fire
They stuffed it in a bomb
Atmospheric bursts
Wiping out cities with aplomb
Blue, blue fire
They kept it carefully hid
They didn’t want to anyone to know
Just exactly what they did
Blue, blue fire
Atoms for peace became the cry
As they exploded even more
Tearing holes in the sky
Blue, blue fire
They left the waste all about
Till people started dying
Then they raised a new shout
Blue, blue fire
Put in a waste pile
We’ll keep careful record
Notate and file
Blue, blue fire
They were not wise
Everywhere they move it
It increases in size
Blue, blue fire
Now there is some by your home
Causing birth defects and cancer
They tell you it’s safe
Blue, blue fire
Burning under the ground
You can tell them to stop it
But they ignore all your sound
After Judgement Day
The scent of cinnamon in the air
Citron breathed in on the breeze
When the wind shifts back
I can smell the Sea
It’s a moment in time for me
That I have lived my life
Blue waters around me
Moving on out to the Sea
It was a place to live life right
Settle down and raise a family
Then the realtors came
With their strange, strange dreams
Building up houses, hotels and stores
All they wanted was more, more, more
Then came the money
And the monied people with it
It wasn’t the way they wanted it
So change it they did it
Where once one could see
Across from the woods
All the trees came down
Taken away for good
A golf course was put in
All grass and sand pits
Ready for play
Came all the halfwits
Then along through the forest
All trees also came down
They covered the streams
Dug up wide canals
Put in man made lakes
Ponds and Rocks
The final step was building new docks
For gigantic boats
That would sit there and rot
Those people came down
Once or twice in a year
Every once in a while
Some renter would drown
Never knowing that
For all the dressing and lace
It was still a wild place
When the hurricanes come down
They knock the houses around
Insurance pays up
They throw new ones back up
In the off season there
When everything is bare
Come the runaways and druggies
Trying to find something square
What was once a paradise
Is no longer very nice
They’ve taken it and torn it
Broke it up and blown it
When the wind comes by
Nothing can stand up against it
The fools who have moved there
Don’t understand it
The history is hidden under plastic and wood
They’ve come and they ruined
All that was good
But that’s the way it is going
It will do so till it’s done
When I go there now
I just lay in the Sun
What goes around comes around
And it’s on it’s way
We’ll see who is standing
After Judgement Day
I just can’t comprehend
There’s a sadness in the world
I just can’t comprehend
A surrender to things
That people don’t understand
There’s a sadness in the world
I just can’t comprehend
It used to be hard to tell where it came from
But as time passed by it all became clear
Some people long ago made a great big bomb
When they taught use about it defeat was near
The bomb it saved us
Is what they told us
But things didn’t actually work out that way
There’s a sadness in the world
I just can’t comprehend
A surrender to things
That people don’t understand
There’s a sadness in the world
I just can’t comprehend
The war was going bad
They were running out of money
Businesses were sad
The politicians weren’t funny
They had to do something
They had to do it fast
Or they would have to a sign a treaty
They couldn’t make last
There’s a sadness in the world
I just can’t comprehend
A surrender to things
That people don’t understand
There’s a sadness in the world
I just can’t comprehend
So they rushed up production
Of atomic weapons out in the West
With lots of money and no instruction
They partied and lied their best
The bomb it was made
Sent in a plane to degrade
A city of paper and wood
When it was all over
The killers declared it was good
Then they hid all the fact under cover
There’s a sadness in the world
I just can’t comprehend
A surrender to things
That people don’t understand
There’s a sadness in the world
I just can’t comprehend
They didn’t tell anyone
What they had done
As they learned what they did
They tried to keep it hid
But it killed them in mind and soul
They turned from people to a hole
Still the waste they had made
Sat out in the glade
They pretended they knew what to do
They left it for the next generation or two
No one can comprehend
The stupidity they’d send
Down a century of maniacal science
The had not indication of prescience
So now cancer rates are roaring
Birth defects are soaring
The only solution to hide their acts
Has been to lie and change the facts
While they grab for a solution
They offer free abortion
Hoping no one will see
What has come to be
That this land of death
Was once the home of the free
There’s a sadness in the world
I just can’t comprehend
A surrender to things
That people don’t understand
There’s a sadness in the world
I just can’t comprehend
We Are Blest
With the green of the forest
We are blest
With the blue of the sky
We are blest
With the song of the birds
We are blest
With each other now
We are blest
God made the Sun and the sky
The arcing rainbow that comes before dry
The rain falling down upon the clay
God made the light in each day
With the green of the forest
We are blest
With the blue of the sky
We are blest
With the song of the birds
We are blest
With each other now
We are blest
The planets were fashioned and set up in space
With stars arranged in galaxies all set in place
Time and unimagined expanse
Full of power and glory and sense
Present moments all filled with suspense
Fiery orbits bombarded by rays
Planets and planetesimals with uncounted days
Blue stars
White stars
Yellow and Orange
Green and Blue and Purple
Radio stars and X-Ray Stars
Stars made of sound and sand
Planets spinning round with no land
All of these God made and the questions remain
The answers will come by and by
No need to fear by only to see
The Glory of God in the sky
With the green of the forest
We are blest
With the blue of the sky
We are blest
With the song of the birds
We are blest
With each other now
We are blest
In Their Arms
Mitochondrial disease is not very well known
Except among those whose pain it has sown
There are many different types
Of very different stripes
It’s hard to see how long they’ve escaped detection
Some families dare
Some families care
For the loved ones they have in their harts
They boldly declare against bodily harms
To those they hold dear in their arms
Time has marched on and now they are known
But still to a precious few
A patient could see a doctor or three
And never find one who a mito disease knew
Some families dare
Some families care
For the loved ones they have in their harts
They boldly declare against bodily harms
To those they hold dear in their arms
Education is needed
From young age to old
To understand the questions untold
What could be said
Of these we should be rid
But without knowing what
They won’t get far
In finding out just what they are
Some families dare
Some families care
For the loved ones they have in their harts
They boldly declare against bodily harms
To those they hold dear in their arms
It’s a terrible thing to say
That these now unknown today
Will someday save millions of lives
They each seem to touch
On some bedrock issue
From which many diseases arise
How it comes they’ve been ignored
Comes as a giant surprise
Some families dare
Some families care
For the loved ones they have in their harts
They boldly declare against bodily harms
To those they hold dear in their arms
Focus is needed and focus will come
As parents and patients run
To gather information
With selfless dedication
To raise the education
Of the heroes we know will come
Some families dare
Some families care
For the loved ones they have in their harts
They boldly declare against bodily harms
To those they hold dear in their arms
An American Woodpecker is sad to see
Moving across the face of a tree
That comes from Central America
That no insect will eat here
Wasting its time
On a fruitless climb
Looking for food that’s not there
These trees have a story
Though not filled with glory
Would be good for everyone to know
They come from down south
Near the equator
They grow maybe thirty feet high or so
Where they come from they are understory trees
Quite small you see
To the great trees they hardly rise up to their knees
But they grow fast and that’s why
The politicians buy, buy, buy
They bragged they have leaves for shade
That’s not quite true their leaves are more made for glade
Or hiding under a great tree’s canopy
You see, there are many and many there are
They grow all the time during the season
Which, by the way is quite different down there
Than it is in colder climes like Michigan’s
Still they insisted they would grow
So grow they did but twisted they hid
Another problem in their strange boughs
They are really a bush and went cut sap does gush
Resin is all around at the ground
Then the leaves, they fall, fall, down
From Spring through Summer and on into fall
They fall, fall, fall
This protects them from insects in the land they are from
But in the US they fill up the drains
Cause floods and that’s not all the pains
They die quickly you see, as soon as they are a tree
Their seasons are different I’ve said
Give them a life and after many winters
It’s sure they will all be dead
They may be of interest to some who seek green
They produce pods filled with great beans
The people complain because when they all fall down
There’s no place to walk in between
So we are struck with them now
The political know how
Has produced a tiny ecological disaster
But as soon as they enter the forests and woods
Then the world will change for the worse even faster
We’ll See
It was the time of the rush
Gold rush
Boom rush
Lumber rush
All across the continent
Everything was destroyed
No one was content
With what became of the national sentiment
This is one story
Of a tree and its glory
How it came to save many a town
Then it grew and it grew
And couldn’t be put down
So it was ignored and they pretended they knew
What was happening
What an ignorant crew
The tree is called the Asian Ash
Don’t ask me why but thanks for the ask
It’s a drab tree generally
In Spring it is green
In autumn yellow, then it drops its big leaves on the ground
The problem it was meant to solve
Was to bring shade with new resolve
To all the towns and cities that had cut down all their trees
Yes, that is right, when left to do what they pleased
The people destroyed everything, planting corn and wheat
But forgetting the bees
It was hot sweaty work and the towns looked like dirt
With no trees to line the sidewalks and parks
Along came a salesman and an Asian ash in a bag
Told them it was for sale and real silvan
They took up the offer
The salesman said to the marks
Oh, yes, it’s good for sidewalks and parks
Just put it right in and it will grow past your chin
You’ll all be happy as larks
So they forked over the cash
Took his plant stash
Planted them all over town
They grew and they grew
And before you knew
Every town and city once again had leaves
But these trees you see
Though they didn’t make you sneeze
Grew faster than anyone knew
They like North America so much
They immediately took up housing in the forest
Where they proceeded to push out
Nearly every other species
The amazing thing is that nobody noticed
Then one day
In a pallet from China
To a Japanese company
In the Charter Township of Canton
Don’t you know
Arrived a little bug
Who gave just a shrug
Introduced as the Emerald Ash Borer
Finding their dinner all about the hood
They settled down to eat their food
Then state in turn
As they started to learn
These little bugs were eating the trees
Sent out alarms
Don’t move your arms
There might be Emerald Ash Borers on them
Firewood could no longer be moved
Paper making and lumbering came to a halt
Then, amazingly someone realized
They only ate Asian Ash Trees after all
American Ash, Chestnut, Maple, Elm, Cypress
All of them you see
The little but ignored every tree
So the Asian Ash came down
Then, without a sound
The American forest began to grow again
In trees
You can see it now
It’s all around
Growing up and growing strong
A thing that has been gone for so, so long
What next will happen?
We’ll see!
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