The Evil Pragmatude, the Benign Pragmatude and the Good or Moral Pragmatude

The Evil Pragmatude,
The Benign Pragmatude
The Good or Moral Pragmatude
The Evil Pragmatude is that set of mind that one adopts when all is to be done to achieve some end and even bad and evil things will be done to accomplish that end. The end can be some foreseen or expected good – but the means to acquire it are evil. In the case of Evil Pragmatude, for our example, it can be expected that people will be hurt and/or killed.
The Benign Pragmatude is that set of mind that one adopts when all is to be done in order that all is done. That is – the ends do not justify the means. In the Benign Pragmatude the means are the end. In the case of Benign Pragmatude it can be anticipated that people will be hurt and/or killed.
The Good Pragmatude is that set of mind that one adopts when there is an end in mind but all caution and effort is going to be taken in order to ensure that no one will be hurt and/or killed.
The word pragmatic, from which we can extract ‘Pragmatude’ is sometimes defined as pertaining to a practical point of view or practical considerations. The word pragmatic has with it no specific connotations of right, wrong or harmless behavior. It is possible to be pragmatic in the carrying out of right things, wrong things or harmlessly. It is a set of circumstances done or actions taken to achieve some goal.
Evil Pragmatude is pragmatic behavior taken in spite of or because of the fact that it will hurt people or take human life. An example of Evil Pragmatude would be some sort of terrorist act. In the same vein an example of Evil Pragmatude can also be the response from some government in retribution for the terrorist act. In both cases we see examples of Evil Pragmatude because the actions were carried out to a certain end in spite of and, indeed in these case, because they will hurt people or take human life.
Benign Pragmatude is an end in itself. In the case of Benign Pragmatude it does not matter if the set of circumstances at hand are to be carried out to sell a fish, mail a letter or destroy a village. The set of circumstances are set out and carried out merely to carry out the actions. Benign Pragmatude, often espoused in governmental edicts or political slogans or business directives and evil religious statements, can often be used by those inspired by or acting with Evil Pragmatude. In the least it can mask those intentions and actions of Evil Pragmatude or it can, at worst, be the visible expression of the Evil Pragmatude driving circumstances and actions.
Good Pragmatude – and the word ‘good’ is used in order to make it clear that it is the opposite of Evil Pragmatude – must at all times be expressed in a way that ensures that people are not hurt and that human life is not taken.
Evil Pragmatude might best be considered to be a set of circumstances or actions taken out in spite of or because of the fact that people will be hurt or human life lost. That would be the point of the Evil Pragmatude – all other things becoming secondary.
Benign Pragmatude would take into account that some people might be hurt or human life lost but Benign Pragmatude would find these hurts and loss of life to be ‘acceptable’ in balance. The balance in the case of a person practicing Benign Pragmitude might not necessarily be the end – it might just be that the set of circumstances provided to that individual meet the criteria that is defined as ‘means’ and so it does not matter that people might be hurt or human life taken. The questions or right or wrong, helping or hurting, never appears in the decisions which are produced by Benign Pragmatude. It does not matter to the person practicing benign pragmatude whether or not they are right or wrong or hurting or helping someone – all that matters is that they are acting on some set of circumstances in the most practical way in light of the practical considerations of the moment.
A person practicing Benign Pragmatude could do one thing one day and quite the opposite the next if the circumstances on the second day had changed to the point that it would be more practical to act in the new fashion.
A person practicing Evil Pragmatude, however, would not be so resilient as the intention would be always to carry out the end results – whether they are revealed or hidden – in the most practical fashion possible. If that fashion is brutal and horrible then the person practicing Evil Pragmatude will go ahead and carry it out anyway.
A person practicing Good Pragmatude is driven by moral choices or to put it more simply in this case – is limited in action by the desire and goal of not hurting anyone nor taking human life.
When we look at current events from the point of view of Evil, Benign or Good Pragmatude we can begin to distinguish amongst those in power and ideas in vogue which are of themselves either evil, benign or good or have been sprung from those three things.
A world of confusion and disorder can quickly be deciphered by applying the rules outlined here in regards to identifying Evil Pragmatude, Benign Pragmatude and Good Pragmatude.
It is with these three ideas in mind that we will now begin to decipher this world.


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