
Showing posts from 2016

Technology Responsibilty

An Essay on Personal Responsibility and Technical Advances                 There is currently a popular misunderstanding in vogue.                 Martin Luther King once said, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”                 In today’s world this phrase has taken on a wider meaning in its warning.  In the modern world information has become the main commodity of exchange.  It is valuable.  To have information is to have wealth and ability.  To get to this information a certain amount of technological experience and knowledge is necessary.                 The work necessary to get to the information has been defined as difficult.  In the not too distant past the term ‘geek’ was placed upon those persons who not only could extract th...

The Financial Value of Volunteering

An Essay On The Financial Value of Volunteering                 Volunteering has a financial value similar to education.  The return on volunteering can be almost instantaneous or delayed depending on the circumstances not only of the event but as a direct result of the actions taken by the volunteer.                 Mother Teresa , recently canonized as a Saint, is quoted as saying, “To show great love for God and our neighbor we need not do great things.  It is how much love we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful for God.”                 As with most things in life, if viewed from a point of Faith, when we do things for God or for others the ideal is that we expect nothing in return.  This essay is not denigrating ...

The Ownership of Production

An Essay On The Ownership of Production By Alfred Brock                 The ownership of production in American society has changed from what was typically the case to a more diffuse and disorganized situation.                 In the past the role of the ownership of production was normally performed by the owner – that would be a private individual or some group of individuals forming a corporate body.  This individual or individuals would then carry out the duties of ownership of a business and thereafter extract a profit.  That is the primary motive alluded to in capitalist society.  The reward of profit for hard work done.                 Andrew Carnegie, wealthy steel magnate once wrote, ‘The contrast between the palace of the millionaire and the cottage of the laborer with us to-day measures the change which has come with civil...

The Monetization of Government

An Essay On The Monetization of Government By Alfred Brock                 To be of true value local government must generate income.                 Thomas Paine wrote, “It is the art of conquering at home; the object of it is an increase of revenue; and as revenue cannot be increased without taxes, a pretense must be made for expenditure.”                 At this time taxes are increasing yet the perceived value received from that further expenditure imposed on individuals, households and businesses has become obscured.                 The generation of income by local government provides true value to the taxpayer and society in general, which, in view of good government, is generally agreed to be the best result.                 Income from local government comes in differe...

Microsoft Dog Food

                What is going on at Microsoft?                 They were supposed to be the leaders in innovation.                  If broken up we would see innovation, economy of scale, competition and increased security.  It will not be forced from the outside.                 After initial growth and the wealth creation it performed it is now beyond its prime but able to suppress competition.                 It has so much cash that even of a perceived threat to its technology appears it can easily buy out the company.                 We can see the futur...

The Talking Head

Yesterday an otherwise intelligent person I know expressed the idea that as a result of growing up in a push-button world he is better able to make decisions. He actually promised an 8% return on investment if we relied on him and others 'like me' which is a connection that is baseless and absurd. He seemed reasonable at the get-go but as he framed his argument it lost cohesiveness.  His basis for asserting, essentially, that he knew it all was drawn from what he rightfully perceives as the flood of information he is bombarded with daily. His reference points were Twitter feeds, email and YouTube to name just three.  No encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, textbooks or other preserved reference materials were used as a guide.  For those of you offended by paper I am referring even to electronic versions of these documents. He posed himself, essentially, as having all the answers.  But - it seemed he had asked no questions and only sifted the materials pr...

The Legend of the Three Arrows

The Legend of the Three Arrows As I recall it told to me – by Alfred Brock Mori Motonari was a very powerful man in Japan.  He was a great warrior and many samurai were loyal to him. Though his province was small he was able to overcome and conquer much larger enemies to the east and the west. He was an honorable and just leader to his people. Three of his sons rose to the rank of General in the army of the Mori clan.  They were called Mōri Takamoto, Kikkawa Motoharu, and Kobayakawa Takakage. He encouraged them to work together for the good of the Mori clan. Being wise Mori Motonari knew that one day these three strong leaders may come to blows and all their hard work be torn asunder. He called them to a dinner where they engaged in dining and entertainment. When the evening was in full bloom Mori Motonari called a stop to it and summoned the three Generals before him. They came forward in respect and sat before him on tatami mats.  Their weapons, shar...

War Is Like a Drug

For Blog War Is Like a Drug                 War is like a drug to some politicians.                 Once they get a taste of it two things can happen.                 Neither of them good.                 On the one hand the politician may become addicted to it and need it.  In this case the politician finds it a tool that is very easy to use.  Ease of use and appreciation of what they consider to be benefits – that is – removal of responsibility, distraction from other problems and a bizarre type of prestige also referred to as fear leads this politician to believe they have done something good.            ...

Autonomous Vehicles At Willow Run

Autonomous Vehicles at Willow Run                 I do not believe that an Autonomous Vehicle Development Station should be built on the grounds of Willow Run in Michigan.                 The problem is prying eyes.  There is no way to secure the area.                 At this time there is an installation there called the Yankee Air Museum.  They have a B-52 bomber parked on the runway.  You can easily see it from a mile away.  The location is open and flat with plenty of cover.                 I believe that any Autonomous Vehicle Development Station should be on the Selfridge Air National Guard Base.  At least they could provide some level of security....

City of Wayne and Headlee

This is being sent to you as background information regarding the burdens of local government.   6/21/2016               We are having a serious problem here in the City of Wayne.  It’s a battle to have the City Government remain solvent.  Due to years of neglect and incompetence the finances of the city have been ravaged.            The response has been a millage for the city that will allow the administration to join SMORSA - South Macomb Oakland Regional Services Authority.                  Mayor Al Haidous, shortly after an audit of the finances began back in 2015,  took a seat on the County Commission as a County Commissioner.  He is now running again for election ...