
Showing posts from 2011

Governor Snyder and the High Speed Bus

I read today that Governor Snyder is proposing a high-speed bus network for southeast Michigan.   He’s going to another layer of government to the corrupt Charter County of Wayne, the paralyzed Detroit City Government and SEMCOG (also known as the solution waiting for a problem). He’s not just poking around in southeast Michigan, however, his new plan , a new regional authority to oversee it.   The State pushing its way into local politics. The worst part is new vehicle registration fees allowing counties or regions to raise funds for local transit projects.   ‘Allowing’ – he’s going to ‘allow’ you to pay higher fees so that your county or region is ‘allowed’ to raise funds for local transit projects. I can understand town, village, city, county, state and I even willing to include ‘Charter Township’ when it is done for reasons other than greed – but what form of government does a ‘Region’ fit into? As for the high speed busses – Governor Snyder recently endorsed Pete...

The Wars End Now

               I am going to borrow from George McGovern and paraphrase his remarks about Vietnam and turn them now to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Uganda.    I have taken the frame of what he said and have expanded upon it just as the architects of destruction have taken the Vietnam plan and expanded upon it.   An escalation in murderous action, after all, requires an escalation in opposition to it – if one is to preserve one’s spirit.                Every Senator, Representative and Citizen in the United States is partly responsible for sending more than 6,230 young Americans to an early grave in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Senator Chamber, the House of Representatives and the Oval Office of the White House reeks of blood. Every Senator, Representative and the President is partly responsible for the human wreckage at Walter Reed a...

American Troops in Africa

Unfortunately, as I predicted some years ago, President Obama has sent American soldiers to fight in a ground war in Africa. Only a hundred at the thousands it will take to get them there, feed them, support them and help bring in more...God save the United States of America. The soldiers are going to Uganda where the previous American sponsored assault on the 'Lord's Resistance Arm ... y' ended in the loss of the Guatamelan soldiers sent to find it. The 'Lord's Resistance Army' is led by a man named Kony - he is accused of war crimes by the Ugandan Army (which is guilty of war crimes). Perpetual war. Exporting weapons, military training, high tech killing machines - all at substantial profit. Who says America isn't a world leader? The final product however, is the creation of enemies in every corner of the known world and the result that Americans are welcome no where and friends to no one. The engine of war to fuel industry is destruct...

Judges Dying is the Evidence

The Department of Justice has been dispensing drugs and guns to criminals. The judges in the Judicial Branch are quite aware of this behavior but have done nothing and said nothing. Obama sits on one of the most vicious and cruel administrations this nation has ever seen. It is ravaging our economy and the government is stealing from itself. It is not just a measure of his incompetence in the matter but reasonable people do not want to see him infect the judiciary the way he has crippled the Department of Justice. Obama is highly intelligent and wily - less judges mean less likliehood that he and his cronies will get caught in their wicked ways. Representative Giffords was shot for her political views and now it turns out judges are dying and not being replaced. The evidence is here before our eyes.

Boss Bloomberg

I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the protesters at Wall Street and elsewhere are just drawing attention away from the true problems we are facing.  A Department of Justice that sells drugs and guns - empty promises of ending the War In Afghanistan - a President who leans on 'Drones' to kill whomever whatever department tells him to (drones made by companies who donated millions to his election campaign) - an immigration policy driven by profit instead of need - under representation in Washington and State capitols and the fact that the protesters main message seems to be not reformation of our financial system.  They state, in fact, that they are against corporations - but more importantly every time some spokesman makes that statement they also neatly include the statement that the Tea Party is against government.  I would take them more seriously if they had occupied the real center of greed and incompetence in New York - that would be City Hall where Boss...

Occupy Wall Street

               The people who are involved in the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ media event have struck me as an odd group.   I was watching Univision, the Spanish language cable station, yesterday and saw a reporter interviewing a student from Spain and then another from Argentina.   They were wearing designer jeans and nice shirts.   They were clean and looked healthy and bright…but they were in New York.                I believe that the large banks and stockbroker houses in New York must be broken up so that they can reform.                The mob sleeping on Wall Street in their designer sleeping bags wants more than that.   It’s not quite clear what.   The gang is made up literally of Communists, Anarchists, wealthy students with time on their hands, thr...

Michael Bloomberg and Wang Jianzhong

               What is wrong with the runaway economy in China?                One aspect of it is something called ‘ramping’.                Prior to 2006 a man by the name of Wang Jianzhong had become known as China's "god of stocks" for his amazing ability to pick stocks that were about to rise.                At the peak of the trading frenzy in China, which is still continuing right now, his influence was so great that reports by his company, Beijing Shoufang Investment Consulting, republished in dozens of influential newspapers and websites, were, it is said, many times considered the main reason for a particular share price rising.            ...

The New World

               The Department of Justice regulates guns and drugs.                The Department of Defense attacks other nations without warning.                The Department of the Treasury borrows money.                The Department of Environmental Protection sells licenses to pollute.                The Department of Agriculture pays farmers not to plant crops.                The Department of Education censors schoolbooks.                The Department of Labor pays people not to work.

Covington from Kansas City Schools

Kansas City, Mo., Superintendent John Covington is on his way to Michigan.                He has been lured away from his job attending to the education of children in Kansas City to a job here in Michigan under Governor Rick ’Made In Taiwan’ Snyder.                Is he coming because the children here in Michigan are more discouraged, more tossed around by politicians or because of MORE MONEY?                It seems that Mr. Covington may have been enticed to come here by Snyder’s offer of MORE MONEY.                You can expect Covington to bring the same wild eyed attitude he showed in Kansas City, Missouri.   He rolled into the troubled Kansas City Missouri School District in 2009 under the bann...

Like Taking Food From Children

               Pete Hoekstra wants to be a United States Senator from Michigan.                What has he done?                Has he started a school and provided good education to children?                Clark Durant has done that.   I don’t think Hoekstra has.                Has he addressed the problem of failing schools and provided a solution that can be repeated throughout Michigan and across the nation?                Clark Durant has done that.   I don’t think Hoekstra would understand the first thing about what happened.     ...

Pete Hoekstra - Career Politician

               Peter Hoekstra (his nickname is Pete – isn’t that imaginative?) – is running for United States Senate.                He likes to say he is running against Senator Debbie (Carl Levin’s Siamese Twin) Stabenow but the real contest is with Republican candidate Clark Durant.                Governor ‘Made In Taiwan’ Snyder ‘endorsed’ Hoekstra.   Yes, Governor of Michigan is interfering in Federal politics.   The mess doesn’t stop.   Peety Hoekstra doesn’t have a chance against Stabenow.   His decision to run for this office is apparently because it’s the only way he can get his shoe back in the door.                See – Peety Hoekstra is what is known as a Career Politician. ...

Dorothea Dix Versus Janet Napolitano

               The United States has no shortage of great women.                           One was Dorothea Dix.   In the 1840’s it became apparent to America mental health reformer Dorothea Dix that mentally ill people in Massachusetts, both men and women and all ages, were incarcerated with criminals and left unclothed and in darkness and without heat or bathrooms.   Many were chained and beaten. Over the next 40 years, Dix worked to establish 32 state hospitals for the mentally ill. On a tour of Europe in 1854-56, she convinced Pope Pius IX to examine how cruelly the mentally ill are treated. She helped establish Saint Elizabeth’s in Washington, DC. The hospital was established to provide care and "enlightened" curative treatment of the insane of the Army, Navy, and District of Columb...

The Rich and Powerful of Michigan

               The rich and powerful of Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder.                Some Michigan citizens know his remarkable career achievements.                He worked at Coopers and Lybrand – in the tax department.   Coopers and Lybrand is now part of PwC – a foreign corporation in England.                Snyder was CEO of an American manufacturer called ‘Gateway’.   Gateway was sold to a Chinese company in Taiwan.                Snyder seems to be taking advantage of his political office to do things that people, who were brought up to do the right thing, would never do.         ...

Clark Durant for Senate

Clark Durant for Senate - Michigan

Michigan's Political Sausage Machine

The ‘halls of power’ in Washington, DC have, in my opinion, been taken over by unruly and unprincipled people.   Men and women, like Debbie Stabenow, seem to have made a career from pretending rather than representing.   Working towards retirement, for themselves, while leaving us abandoned. They are so addicted to the work they can’t stay away and crave more and more and more.   Look at Ex-Representative Hoekstra.   He is, in my opinion, a failure.   Voted out of office he was put aside by the people of the Second Congressional District of Michigan but the political machine remade him – as if stuffing a rotten sausage in a new skin makes it safe to eat.   How’s that? Hoekstra is lurching along beside Debbie Stabenow for Senate.   Governor Snyder likes him - that should make anyone concerned about Hoekstra.   Right? Clark Durant is a principled, strong leader with real world administrative and business experience. Unlike Hoekstra – honorary me...

The Warren Buffett Rule

The ‘Buffett Rule’ has made headlines.   It is amazing to me that one man, who is a stranger to most of the 400 million Americans in this nation, could make a few remarks and get the President to act. Mr. Buffett seems a nice fellow who does not want his actions to be regarded for the facts but as a gentle fantasy that seems to have settled in on him – placed there by admirers who refer to him as the ‘Oracle of Omaha’. It is a uniquely American situation where one individual in his Pop-Culture disguise can have such a powerful effect on the nation’s society. His remarks on taxation and the rich seem to reflect middle class values but the fact remains he is not middle class.   The statements more rightly indicate deflecting attention away from the things that he seems to hold most dear.   Corporations.   A web of which he ‘controls’ for his own personal interests and I expect, his own personal pleasure. These problem children in our economy - corpora...

Lights Out for Solyndra

       The more I hear about the Solyndra solar mess with the energy department, the less I am concerned with it and the more worried I become about the personal agendas of the people shouting about it – like Representative Issa of California and Representative Stearns of Florida – both sunny states dependent heavily upon oil and energy companies.       I don't think the government should be investigating but I think it should create more of these companies right now.       Issa and Stearns appear to be trying to drive solar power out of favor.       I think crooks should go to jail and solar panels need to go to market. There is too much at stake to stop developing solar.       In any case - not all the businesses started during the Great Depression were successful. It's not like every project of the Tennessee Valley Authority was successful from...

The Fire Chief

      It was a time when the leaders were the strongest yet not necessarily the wisest. It was a time when the women were afraid even of their own men. A messenger came. A Peace Maker. A Messenger.        He brought the message of the Great Law and the Great Peace. A respect for Life. Thanksgiving for Life.       The ones who had been killing and drenched in blood would not listen to this message of Peace and Good Will because it was from chaos and warfare that they extracted their rights to power and control.       The Peace Maker continued and through word, thought and action showed the people that peace was preferable to war.       He showed there is a preferable alternative to kill one the other in a war of attrition whose beginning cannot be found nor has any meaning and whose ending would remove the cruel ones from power.   ...

Corporate Challenge

Of the 100 largest economic units in the world 49 are countries and 51 are corporations. Corporations are the driving force of decision making in the world today. Corporations are not concerned with human rights, human life nor providing a proper wage for people laboring for them. What kind of decisions do they make? A corporation has the same rights as an individual and is considered by the courts to be a ‘citizen’ like you and I. A corporation can buy and sell another corporation. If you buy or sell another individual that is illegal because that is slavery. A corporation can take a part of itself and create a new corporation. If you could do that it would be cloning. A corporation can kill or destroy property but it is never sent to jail. BP has destroyed our ability to extract food from the Gulf of Mexico for decades but still they sell gasoline in cities across our nation. If you did something like that you would either go to jail for life or be executed. Grace k...

My Friend Said

"We need to teach our daughters to distinguish between a man who flatters her - and a man who compliments her. A man who spends money on her - and a man who invests in her. A man who views her as property - and a man who views her properly. A man who lusts after her - and a man who loves her. A man who believes he is God's gift to women - and a man who remembers a woman was God's gift to man...And then teach our boys to be that kind of a man."

Margin Trading - Bernie Madoff, Tim Geither and President Obama

A Movie About National Finances

Dear Mrs Obama

               When I heard about your initiative to force restaurants to stop feeding French Fries to American children I was shocked.   After having seen the result of your decree at one of the Darden Company’s restaurants – which include Olive Garden and the Longhorn Steakhouse – I thought I would write you a note.                Initially – I was not going to any Darden Company restaurant again because I don’t want the government or anyone married to anyone in the government, to dictate what is on my restaurant menu and most especially what I give to my child.                I really have a liking for seafood however, so, off we went to Red Lobster.   You will be glad to know that they immediately bent to your will.   My son was offered orange slices as a side...

Governor Snyder - Your Money Won't Seem So Green

               The unemployment rate in Michigan surged from 10.9 percent in July to 11.3 percent in September.                Governor Snyder is fighting for smoke-free beaches and to establish a statewide database, like the Sex Offender list, that doctors will need to enter the weight of children into each time they visit a doctor.                That is, of course, if the child’s parents can afford to take them to a doctor for checkups.                In my opinion Snyder was supposed to be a placeholder but his actions appear to be that of a petty tyrant.                His friends in the State House and Senate still don’t have to subm...

Nuclear Accidents

              There are ‘new’ types of nuclear reactors being built.                These ‘new’ ones are modifications of the ‘old’ ones.   Nuclear reactors have only been operating since the early 1940’s.   Essentially – they are all new.                There are new regulations for the new reactors.   It became apparent that the entire design and structure of a nuclear reactor is inherently unsafe.   From a power generating standpoint burning radioactive rocks to create steam to make electricity is a great idea – from an engineering and safety standpoint, however, there is no reasonable way to carry out the process.                The Nuclear Regulatory Commission then decided to “…move away ...

Governor Hot Foot Perry and the Fat Back

             What is the Republican Party doing with Governor Rick Perry?                Two weeks ago, with fires raging out of control, houses burning, Texans dying, he packs his bags and goes to South Carolina, where, I have heard it said, he met with Governor ‘Nikki’ Haley.   Her full name is Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley.   She changed her name and her religion – like Governor Perry changed his party.                He was supposed to stay in South Carolina for a debate but cancelled claiming he had to return to Texas (because of the fires).   He went back and the next day was in California for another debate even as the Texas Forest Service was desperately seeking needed help.                He earn...

Comrade Governor Snyder

              The Michigan unemployment rate as posted by the United States Department of Labor is about 10.9 percent as of July, 2011.   It is one of the highest in the nation.                  Also as of the same date the poverty level in Michigan has swollen to 15.5 percent.               Not all of the unemployed are in poverty and not all in poverty are unemployed so the numbers are even larger than they seem.                Governor Snyder has done virtually nothing to help the state with these problems.   He has, by popular demand of the snooty, high living and notorious House and Senate of Michigan passed a law limiting welfare payments to four years – but as for lowering taxes – not a peep. ...

On September 11

               On September 11, 2011 I was driving home from Walmart in Canton around 9PM.               On Van Born Road I noticed flashing yellow lights.                I drove down to them and instead of an emergency vehicle I saw a light colored SUV.                There were vehicles driving past.   There was no one behind me so I slowed to look.   The windows were dark and I could not see inside.   I considered investigating but that section of road is remote.                  I noted that there was no one walking either away from or towards the car.   I decided to call the police to let them know about the car in...