The Rich and Powerful of Michigan

               The rich and powerful of Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder.

               Some Michigan citizens know his remarkable career achievements.

               He worked at Coopers and Lybrand – in the tax department.  Coopers and Lybrand is now part of PwC – a foreign corporation in England.

               Snyder was CEO of an American manufacturer called ‘Gateway’.  Gateway was sold to a Chinese company in Taiwan.

               Snyder seems to be taking advantage of his political office to do things that people, who were brought up to do the right thing, would never do.

               Cutting off welfare payments after four years of receiving them may seem tough but it is irresponsible.  This economic mess could last more than ten years.  That is the reality.  It seems the point of cutting benefits is to force people to leave Michigan altogether, not to get them work.

               I know a 70 year old woman.  She is disabled.  She cannot walk.  She cannot talk.  She has no education and no skills.

               Until Snyder arrived she got 104 dollars a month Michigan for food.

               $3.46 per day.

               Reduced to 92 dollars – $3.06 per day.

               Snyder pays over 21 bucks to feed inmates. 

               Snyder’s ‘Sausage and Liquor Party’ Republicans are taking food from people unable to care for themselves. 

               Is the same logic that chases unemployed workers away being applied here?  Is the ultimate goal to starve her to death so that the Accountant-In-Chief along with the fat politicos in Lansing can save three dollars a day?

               What kind of State are you living in?



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