Dorothea Dix Versus Janet Napolitano

               The United States has no shortage of great women.          

               One was Dorothea Dix.  In the 1840’s it became apparent to America mental health reformer Dorothea Dix that mentally ill people in Massachusetts, both men and women and all ages, were incarcerated with criminals and left unclothed and in darkness and without heat or bathrooms.  Many were chained and beaten. Over the next 40 years, Dix worked to establish 32 state hospitals for the mentally ill. On a tour of Europe in 1854-56, she convinced Pope Pius IX to examine how cruelly the mentally ill are treated.

She helped establish Saint Elizabeth’s in Washington, DC.

The hospital was established to provide care and "enlightened" curative treatment of the insane of the Army, Navy, and District of Columbia.

Today the Congress suspended funding to place the headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security on those grounds.  This suspension is enough to bring attention to the signals being sent.

The DHS offers courses to anyone willing to pay :

Bomb-making Materials Awareness Program – if you can’t afford the whole course you can get ‘Bomb-making Materials Awareness Program / Suspicious Behavior Cards’ to put at cash registers.

Is it wise to tell anyone with cash how to make bombs or is it insane?

Do you think that Janet Napolitano, Director of the Department of Homeland Security will be remembered like Dorothea Dix or will the influence of the insane that certainly work for the government and may actually be running it spread ever wider?


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