Covington from Kansas City Schools
Kansas City, Mo., Superintendent John Covington is on his way to Michigan.
He has been lured away from his job attending to the education of children in Kansas City to a job here in Michigan under Governor Rick ’Made In Taiwan’ Snyder.
Is he coming because the children here in Michigan are more discouraged, more tossed around by politicians or because of MORE MONEY?
It seems that Mr. Covington may have been enticed to come here by Snyder’s offer of MORE MONEY.
You can expect Covington to bring the same wild eyed attitude he showed in Kansas City, Missouri. He rolled into the troubled Kansas City Missouri School District in 2009 under the banner of change.
The type of change he applied was to shut down nearly half the district’s schools, fire teachers, cut staff and invent curriculum while exciting the district’s parents and representatives. When you close schools and fire teachers the Covington Model produces fewer problems…for politicians.
Covington is the only candidate to lead Michigan’s new Education Achievement System, a statewide school district made up of Michigan’s lowest-performing schools.
Part of the ‘curriculum’ Covington created for Kindergarten Social Studies - “Students experience the expanding environment from self to communities, regions and the nation through geographical, historical, government, and economic perspectives.”
Michigan schools should provide reasonable, grade-level instruction to our children not line the pockets of politicians and bureaucrats. Governor Snyder is importing Missouri Misery.
Mr. Covington has deserted his post in Kansas already. When will he desert us?
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