Michigan State Money Being Used in Unfair Trade Agreement?

 The Marshall Megasite

Megaplan for a Megaplant


                I am writing concerning the unexpected location of a gigantic battery plant that will be run by administrators and managers from the People’s Republic of China.


General Information and Location

At time the Government of the State of Michigan is set to fork over another $750M on the Ford battery plant in Marshall.  The total stands now at about $1.7 Billion. The population of Marshall, Michigan is about 6,780 citizens. 

Marshall is a rural community.  There are offices there of the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) and businesses like the Marshall Feed & Grain Co and the Bosserd Family Farm.

It may seem an unusual place to build a battery plant.  Ford Motor Company CEO Jim Farley would be familiar with the choice process that leads to the location of a major plant like this in farmland and forested areas.

In the parlance of the industry in the United States and in their operations around the world this is referred to as a ‘Green Field’ project.  The land has essentially already been graded and smoothed by generations of farmers and residents.  The land can be purchased at a discount because, according industry and the Michigan government, centuries of agricultural activity have left the land ‘undeveloped’.

Along with the 2,500 workers that will descend upon this community there will be thousands more of Ford Hangers-On which are also known as suppliers.  The Automotive Industry has become, for most of the large players, a relatively hands-off business.  Now that unions have been broken and younger workers are unaware that their lives, which are possible because of the sacrifices of their ancestors, large corporations can operate gigantic facilities like this with low paid workers and contractors with a sprinkling of union workers as icing on the cake.

Ford Executives offer the reasoning that they are securing the company’s supply chain for batteries and will be able to stop relying on foreign battery purchases.  This doesn’t quite make sense as their partner is a foreign supplier backed by a nuclear armed and aggressive government that is methodically moving to secure the production and transport of all of the mining production in the world.  Kind of hard to eliminate supply chain issues by relying on the companies and governments that are causing supply chain issues for American, Asian, European and African companies.

A Green Field Project allows corporations to prime land cheaply and then conduct their businesses largely outside of any reasonable regulation.  It is not clear if the plant in Marshall will actually be in Marshall.  Whether or not it is, in the daily operations of the plant, it won’t matter.  Ford will build their project and operate it as they see fit.  Any reasonable regulation regarding air, water, soil, sound and light pollution will be difficult to work out.  In the end if any real traction gets going to ensure that the company actually behaves like the good neighbor it purports to be then political pressure can be applied to silence dissent or the real needs and interests of other businesses and residents still in the community that have not yet been pushed out.


A Comparative Example

The City of Marshall’s Future with the City of Wayne’s Past, Present and Precarious Future

A good example of what the people of Marshall and any neighboring farmers or other land uses can expect is presented by the City of Wayne.  The City of Wayne, Michigan, with a population of about 17,481 has hosted Ford Motor Company as a business resident for nearly a hundred years.

Local folklore has it that Henry Ford, as he was working in Detroit prior to starting his eponymous company, like to go to Wayne.  The main reason it is reported is that he went there to get a haircut.

While there, the story goes, long barbershop conversations would be held and who knows what other tomfoolery those future billionaires might have gotten up to.

There is a detail here that needs to be remarked upon.  We learn in high school industry that Henry Ford invented the assembly line to speed the manufacture of cars and so transformed American society and the world.

At the time there was a company in Wayne called the ‘Prouty Carriage and Glass Co.’.

They made surreys and wagons and sleds.  They were busy people and very successful.  So, the story goes, Henry is invited to see what they are doing over there because, at the time, he was engaged in making cars in Detroit using the ‘one-at-a-time’ method.

What he saw in the ‘Prouty Carriage and Glass Co.’ operations were rows of surrey, carriages and sleds being assemble in a line with all of the necessary equipment, tools and materials set ready at each station to build the carriages.

It might appear to be a quaint story cooked up by locals if it weren’t for the photographs of the actual operations at the time. The same operations that Henry Ford would have witnessed first hand.  The rest, we say, is history.

The two plants that Ford operates in the City of Wayne were not the first of his industrial factories but they have been there for quite some time.

As the local lore includes the story about the Prouty Carriage Assembly Line it also includes stories, augment and attested to by previous employees, local officials and neighbors that Ford was no slouch when it wanted to get rid of waste materials.  Reports of dumping of paint and other materials at rates that sometimes turned the flow into a murky, rubbery and highly colored chemical mess include tales of the times when Ford turned the river Yellow or Red or Blue – depending on what was being done at the plant.

Those days are gone, for the most part. Runoff from the plant is still an issue.  They work with a lot of chemicals and store thousands of cars so there are accumulated materials that run, without treatment, into the drains which are directly connected to the Lower River Rouge.  So where the materials used to have be pushed into the creek now gravity does it all and delivers the materials within a few minutes directly into the river!

There are approximately 3,000 workers at one plant alone.  There may be an additional 1,500 at the supporting plant.  When they are all there in the City they make up about 18% of the population.  Their production is very high.  Right now they are making so many vehicles that they don’t have enough room to park them and they are filling up lots and fields far away from the plant.  The cars are driven by contractors.  In fact, there are many contractors employed there. They all come from outside of the City of Wayne.  The economic benefits to the City of Wayne are very low.  The speed limit is high, except for the downtown area, and traffic flows through.

Michigan Avenue, which is also United States 12 was built and expanded sometime in the 1960’s when the Government of the State of Michigan, at the height of the War in Vietnam and Riots at home, decided to inflict upon the City of Wayne a project termed Urban Renewal.

The problem with Urban Renewal in Wayne was that, for some reason still unknown to locals, the State of Michigan bought up land in the very center of Wayne, which was a Trolley Car hub.  These street cars were light rail.  An example of light rail is found in San Jose, California where light rail is the preferred method of travel.

As in Los Angeles, however, having a trolley company that precluded the necessity for millions of cars the trolley operations came to a swift and unpleasant ending.

All of the buildings, historic or not, were destroyed by the State of Michigan, all of the rails buried under concrete and asphalt and the center of the city was surrounded by a split in the highway that cut the city into three pieces and isolated the prime business area.  In a kneejerk reaction to what they did the State of Michigan, taking advantage of the now further depressed real estate prices, situated social services, work programs and low-income housing.  All that work then produced the result that Urban Renewal is designed to eliminate.

Trolley cars, however, were removed from the market and the functional strength of the local government was broken.  It worsened as leading citizens moved just to the north and used the cash provided to them by the State of Michigan for this misguided scheme and started a completely other city called Westland which prospered and grew.  Wayne is on a rebound from vastly different circumstances which are built on, amazingly, the businesses and community relationships that existed before Ford showed up.  It took over 60 years for this to happen.  There is no guarantee it will succeed but many residents have pledged their lives, fortunes and honor to the effort.  At this time Wayne has become host to a large population of elderly, physically and mentally handicapped persons with a population that has a 20% poverty rate.

The State of Michigan offered another way for Wayne to survive and that was in the process known as a Downtown Development Authority.  A DDA is supposed to be used by a community to restore local business activity and to rebuild and vitalize the downtown, especially in historic districts.

It was perfect for Wayne.  Though local, county and state application of the process the work was done in fits and starts and went in different directions.  Some work was done, and now, nearly 48 years later, with proper management now in place Wayne is somewhat stabilized, though finances may run out in 12 years without an infusion of capital and some source of reliable income.

                What?  Reliable income from a huge Ford Plant for a tiny city of 17,481 is not enough?  Well, no, because the tax rate for the Ford property is not that much.  They were paying into the DDA which is a system administered by the State Government of Michigan.

It should be noted that once that box of goodies was opened just about everybody jumped in.  One prime example is the Charter Township of Canton, Michigan, with a population of 98,600 more or less.  I should mention that the Charter Township form of government in the State of Michigan is intended for small communities, about the size of Marshall, to allow them to collect enough revenue to provide minimal fire and police protection.

In fact, the Police Department in the very rich Charter Township of Canton is actually called the Public Safety Department and encompasses, the last time I looked at it, the Fire Department and other services.

The City of Wayne remained struggling and was beginning to reach some sort of equilibrium when Ford Motor Company decided it was paying too much into the Wayne Downtown Development Authority and sued the city for overcharging.  The multi-million dollar payout awarded to Ford took years for the City of Wayne to pay and in the meantime the city lost police, fire, EMT, Public Works, Engineering, reduced senior services and eliminated the small Parks and Recreation Department that had existed since the 1950’s.  The local history museum fell into disrepair – that’s the museum you can find the photos of the Prouty Carriage Company at.  The local library, built with cash received from the State of Michigan and other sources following the destruction of the center of the city also fell into disrepair.  Extreme measures were taken by local residents and officials to keep it open.

Ford as a corporation is a participant in local matters in only the most rudimentary way.  Generally their main presence in the community is noted by the giant sign in front of their operations, the degraded and ugly frontage they maintain without landscaping, peppered with trash and broken concrete.

A major impact on the community and the local area and region, including neighboring cities has to do with traffic.  They move hundreds of cars a day with individual drives who take them to parking lots scattered across the region.  If you’ve ever bought a brand new car from Ford it may have enjoyed a nice tour of Wayne and other places in Southeast Michigan before it was even shipped to you.

Recently a company called Precision decided to build a parking lot to hold over 2500 Ford vehicles.  The cars will need to be driven about 3 miles to the parking lot where they are held until finally being loaded onto trucks for transport.

Cars are also loaded onto trains moved by Norfolk Southern and sent to locations across the United States and possibly Canada or otherwise internationally.

Another company that Ford attracted is a supplier that makes custom liners for Ford pickup trucks.  They are called Ground Effects.  They use chemicals called Isocyanates.  Isocyanates are very dangerous materials.  They make very nice truck bed liners but if you use them incorrectly or are exposed to them you may suffer serious short or long term respiratory damage, or, in some circumstances, instant death.  ‘Going Green’ means a lot more than what we’ve been led to believe.  If exposed to water Isocyanates release an odorless, tasteless, invisible gas that is toxic and deadly.  Local resident report hearing warnings from the company’s loudspeaker system at 3AM in the morning, on the weekend and other times with the message ‘This is an Emergency!  Get Out Immediately!’

No explanation was provided by the company.  As an extra note, the company posted a sign outside the building ‘Warning : Isocyanates’.  No local residents were apprised of the use of these materials at the location.  The local fire department, depleted over time as a result of the heavy weight of hosting the Ford Motor Company and suffering under the depredations of the Ford legal suit against the Wayne Downtown Development Authority do not have and cannot afford to purchase the required equipment to enter that facility or even go near it in the event of an emergency.

It is feasible to imagine that if a serious event occurred that many residential neighbors within close proximity to this dangerous facility would not only be severely imaged but killed by the escape of this gas.  Even incident exposure to the materials by emergency personnel or others can result in lasting medical problems that can slow or halt careers and lives in an instant.

                Ford Motor

The new money request popped up after the Michigan Strategic Fund earmarked more than a billion dollars of incentives.  This places the total direct investment of the Government of the State of Michigan in this project at about $1.8 billion.

It is expected that the Legislature will approve the deepening involvement of the Government of the State of Michigan to ensure that this project, which is a private business project of the Ford Motor Company (F), which is a publicly traded company and a company with headquarters in Ningde China, about 150 miles away from Taiwan.  The company is called Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd.

The founder and apparently majority owner of Contemporary Amperex is Zeng Yuqun.

Zeng Yuqun is a powerful member of the national committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).  The CPPCC is tightly integrated into the Chinese Communist Party’s “United Front” campaign.

The United Front is an operation that the Dictatorship of the People’s Republic of China uses to smear, isolate and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of the despotic Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Unfortunately, we have already seen a contamination of the American political system as phrases, comments and behaviors of Michigan State Government officials, both elected and employed, have been used against citizens, local governments, businesses and investors that have identified this project as a handout to Ford, Norfolk Southern, Contemporary Amperex and ultimately the militaristic and aggressive government of the People’s Republic of China.

This is an excerpt from the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission :

“China uses “United Front” work to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP’s United Front Work Department (UFWD)—the agency responsible for coordinating these kinds of influence operations—mostly focuses on the management of potential opposition groups inside China, but it also has an important foreign influence mission. To carry out its influence activities abroad, the UFWD directs “overseas Chinese work,” which seeks to co-opt ethnic Chinese individuals and communities living outside China, while a number of other key affiliated organizations guided by China’s broader United Front strategy conduct influence operations targeting foreign actors and states. Some of these entities have clear connections to the CCP’s United Front strategy, while others’ linkage is less explicit. Today, United Front-related organizations are playing an increasingly important role in China’s broader foreign policy under Chinese President and General Secretary of the CCP Xi Jinping. It is precisely the nature of United Front work to seek influence through connections that are difficult to publically prove and to gain influence that is interwoven with sensitive issues such as ethnic, political, and national identity, making those who seek to identify the negative effects of such influence vulnerable to accusations of prejudice. Because of the complexities of this issue, it is crucial for the U.S. government to better understand Beijing’s United Front strategy, its goals, and the actors responsible for achieving them if it is to formulate an effective and comprehensive response.”


Poisoned Drinking Water

                An ongoing problem that has appeared in Michigan and across the United States deals with lead in water lines going into the home.

                Clearly the problem is a public health emergency.  Recognized by local communities, following the failure of the State of Michigan to complete a useable process for drinking water in the City of Flint, it turned out that many homes in Michigan had long ago had lead used in the pipes carrying drinking water into their homes.

                At this writing it appears that the enormity and impact of this problem has had and is having over the course of generations has not been fully comprehended.  The State of Michigan as a unit still seems to be operating in a vacuum of understanding regarding this critical public health issue.

                To correct this the cost is about $10,000 at homes affected by this.

                There are approximately 460,000 lead service lines that need to be replaced in the State of Michigan.

                Lead is very dangerous.  Lead is incredibly dangerous and destructive to have in drinking water.

                The following is from EPA’s information at Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water

It causes many health problems, including, but not limited to :

For Children

Even low levels of lead in the blood of children can result in:

                                Behavior and learning problems

Lower IQ and hyperactivity

Slowed growth

Hearing problems


In rare cases, ingestion of lead can cause seizures, coma and even death.


For Pregnant Women

Lead can accumulate in our bodies over time, where it is stored in bones along with calcium. During pregnancy, lead is released from bones as maternal calcium and is used to help form the bones of the fetus. This is particularly true if a woman does not have enough dietary calcium. Lead can also cross the placental barrier exposing the fetus to lead. This can result in serious effects to the mother and her developing fetus, including:

                                Reduced growth of the fetus

Premature birth

For Adults

Lead is also harmful to adults. Adults exposed to lead can suffer from:

                                Cardiovascular effects, increased blood pressure and incidence of hypertension

Decreased kidney function

Reproductive problems (in both men and women)


                In the City of Wayne there are over 400 lead service water lines that need to be replaced.  It will cost about 4 million dollars.  The City is struggling to pay police officers, hire the needed number of firefighters and is seeing the Department of Public Works struggling with staggering requirements and a low Public Works headcount.

                The City of Wayne dutifully then reached out for support.  No assistance could be expected from Ford as they had previously indicated their position in the community by suing it for millions of dollars.

                The County of Wayne was the next step and they stated that most of the money they had was already assigned and to essentially come back next year.

                The State of Michigan was then approached at which point some strange things began to happen.

                The State, at first, was closehanded about the situation and seemed to not even acknowledge the problem.  The intent was, as in the past, to have private citizens and companies foot the bill.  Considering the numbers involved and the seriousness of the health issue and lack of local monies (most of which are consumed by unfunded mandates demanded by the State of Michigan from all communities) it was necessary to pursue the matter further.

                Eventually the State of Michigan slowly opened its grasp and acknowledged the breadth of the issue.  They issued an unfunded mandate that stated a certain percentage of the total had to be replaced each year.  It was flippant response that would leave many of the residents with lead contaminated water for up to 20 years. 

After this became known they still did not change their behavior but added a process In a rare fit of fiscal conservative action which was to offer loans to the suffering communities to pay for this.  Parts of the loans would be forgiven if certain criteria were met and sometimes you could get a negative loan from the state or a loan without interest…all of which involved the government of the State of Michigan to loan out tax monies collected for just such emergencies and then to have another permanent presence in the fiscal affairs of local governments of all sizes.

Poisoned Drinking Water

                An ongoing problem that has appeared in Michigan and across the United States deals with lead in water lines going into the home.

                Clearly the problem is a public health emergency.  Recognized by local communities, following the failure of the State of Michigan to complete a useable process for drinking water in the City of Flint, it turned out that many homes in Michigan had long ago had lead used in the pipes carrying drinking water into their homes.

                At this writing it appears that the enormity and impact of this problem has had and is having over the course of generations has not been fully comprehended.  The State of Michigan as a unit still seems to be operating in a vacuum of understanding regarding this critical public health issue.

                To correct this the cost is about $10,000 at homes affected by this.

                There are approximately 460,000 lead service lines that need to be replaced in the State of Michigan.

                Lead is very dangerous.  Lead is incredibly dangerous and destructive to have in drinking water.

                The following is from EPA’s information at Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water

It causes many health problems, including, but not limited to :

For Children

Even low levels of lead in the blood of children can result in:

                                Behavior and learning problems

Lower IQ and hyperactivity

Slowed growth

Hearing problems


In rare cases, ingestion of lead can cause seizures, coma and even death.


For Pregnant Women

Lead can accumulate in our bodies over time, where it is stored in bones along with calcium. During pregnancy, lead is released from bones as maternal calcium and is used to help form the bones of the fetus. This is particularly true if a woman does not have enough dietary calcium. Lead can also cross the placental barrier exposing the fetus to lead. This can result in serious effects to the mother and her developing fetus, including:

                                Reduced growth of the fetus

Premature birth

For Adults

Lead is also harmful to adults. Adults exposed to lead can suffer from:

                                Cardiovascular effects, increased blood pressure and incidence of hypertension

Decreased kidney function

Reproductive problems (in both men and women)


                In the City of Wayne there are over 400 lead service water lines that need to be replaced.  It will cost about 4 million dollars.  The City is struggling to pay police officers, hire the needed number of firefighters and is seeing the Department of Public Works struggling with staggering requirements and a low Public Works headcount.

                The City of Wayne dutifully then reached out for support.  No assistance could be expected from Ford as they had previously indicated their position in the community by suing it for millions of dollars.

                The County of Wayne was the next step and they stated that most of the money they had was already assigned and to essentially come back next year.

                The State of Michigan was then approached at which point some strange things began to happen.

                The State, at first, was closehanded about the situation and seemed to not even acknowledge the problem.  The intent was, as in the past, to have private citizens and companies foot the bill.  Considering the numbers involved and the seriousness of the health issue and lack of local monies (most of which are consumed by unfunded mandates demanded by the State of Michigan from all communities) it was necessary to pursue the matter further.

                Eventually the State of Michigan slowly opened its grasp and acknowledged the breadth of the issue.  They issued an unfunded mandate that stated a certain percentage of the total had to be replaced each year.  It was flippant response that would leave many of the residents with lead contaminated water for up to 20 years. 

After this became known they still did not change their behavior but added a process In a rare fit of fiscal conservative action which was to offer loans to the suffering communities to pay for this.  Parts of the loans would be forgiven if certain criteria were met and sometimes you could get a negative loan from the state or a loan without interest…all of which involved the government of the State of Michigan to loan out tax monies collected for just such emergencies and then to have another permanent presence in the fiscal affairs of local governments of all sizes.           In the City of Wayne there are over 400 lead service water lines that need to be replaced.  It will cost about 4 million dollars.  The City is struggling to pay police officers, hire the needed number of firefighters and is seeing the Department of Public Works struggling with staggering requirements and a low Public Works headcount.

                The City of Wayne dutifully then reached out for support.  No assistance could be expected from Ford as they had previously indicated their position in the community by suing it for millions of dollars.

                The County of Wayne was the next step and they stated that most of the money they had was already assigned and to essentially come back next year.

                The State of Michigan was then approached at which point some strange things began to happen.

                The State, at first, was closehanded about the situation and seemed to not even acknowledge the problem.  The intent was, as in the past, to have private citizens and companies foot the bill.  Considering the numbers involved and the seriousness of the health issue and lack of local monies (most of which are consumed by unfunded mandates demanded by the State of Michigan from all communities) it was necessary to pursue the matter further.

                Eventually the State of Michigan slowly opened its grasp and acknowledged the breadth of the issue.  They issued an unfunded mandate that stated a certain percentage of the total had to be replaced each year.  It was flippant response that would leave many of the residents with lead contaminated water for up to 20 years. 

After this became known they still did not change their behavior but added a process In a rare fit of fiscal conservative action which was to offer loans to the suffering communities to pay for this.  Parts of the loans would be forgiven if certain criteria were met and sometimes you could get a negative loan from the state or a loan without interest…all of which involved the government of the State of Michigan to loan out tax monies collected for just such emergencies and then to have another permanent presence in the fiscal affairs of local governments of all sizes.           Local government nearly collapsed.  Just recently the Japanese travelled to the island and provide materials for the hospital so it could operate. 

                During all of this infighting and other intrigues and large amounts of cash moving around the government of Solomon Islands decided to no longer recognize Taiwan and teamed up with the People’s Republic of China.

                This same pattern of massive amounts of cash with little supervision and incomplete projects is spread across Africa.  The People’s Republic of China has even showed up in South America.

                On a separate note, their support of the Russian invasion of Europe is front page news.

                Putting all that aside let us return to the State of Michigan and their responsibility towards the citizens from which they take taxes.  We’ll take this last, short section to look at the lead poisoned water lines.

                Taking into account the 460,000 water lines physically contaminated with lead and a repair cost of $10,000 per then the total cost to replace all of them will be $4,600,000,000.  That is four billion and six hundred million dollars. 

                Given that the amount of money being freely given by the State of Michigan in order to shore up the operations of a private corporation deeply in debt and to enable the People’s Republic of China and the Communist Party to found yet another critical industry in the United States adds up to about $1,700,000,000 then what were are looking at is :

                $1,700,000,00 is 36.95% of $4,600,000,000.

                The amount of money that would allow the State of Michigan to replace more than 36% of the total number of contaminated lead lines in just one year is being squandered.




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