Big Banks and Big Government

               It’s just getting so far out it is hard to keep a handle on it.  On some levels it seems that this administration in the White House is bound and determined to literally destroy the American economy.

               It was announced today that the Federal Government is planning on suing a number of ‘Big Banks’ over their pooling and sale of ‘bad mortgages’.

               They seem to be skipping not the finer details but the major facts that all Americans should be aware. 

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac backed and sold to the ‘big banks’ most of the mortgages that the banks wrongfully pooled and sold together.  It is right the banks should be punished but that was what I expected to happen when Obama took office.  Instead, he gave them billions of dollars because they were ‘too big to fail’. 

What about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and more importantly - the tens of millions of Americans who have been robbed and still pay on inflated mortgages with no opportunity for refinancing from the government that set up this Ponzi scheme?

To make matters worse the final profits continue to flow into places like Communist China because Obama and Biden guaranteed the bad debt.

Why not reset the mortgages for Americans and allow our financial industry to become decentralized?

Doesn’t this suing of the ‘big banks’ sound like a jobs program for the Justice Department? These rogue businesses have undermined public confidence and the rule of law and attacked our liberty.


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