Roosevelt and Obama
Recently an article in the Los Angeles Times asked if President Obama were 'channeling' President Roosevelt in his recent jobs speech.
I cannot agree that President Obama's speech resembled the oratory of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. President Obama's speech sounded like the haranguing style of a tenured professor faced with a class full of students who were failing his class because it was composed of confused and conflicting messages and so threatened his ability to keep his job. He sounded scared and angry. On the other hand the oratory of President Franklin Roosevelt was clearly directed at solving problems with haste. While Obama has initiated a program to 'solve' the mortgage problem which involved extending mortgages for ten years (which does not help the millions who are really affected) Roosevelt stated in his inaugural address "It can be helped by preventing realistically the tragedy of the growing loss through foreclosure of our small homes and our farms. It can be helped by insistence that the Federal, the State, and the local governments act forthwith on the demand that their cost be drastically reduced. "
For example - the worth of my home has been reduced, therefore, the bank must reduce my mortgage to reflect that. Whereas Roosevelt was concerned with the solvency of Americans President Barack Obama seems more concerned with the solvency of the ruling, oppresive and cruel Communist Party in China and the corrupt banks who financed his election campaign.
Another difference is in the works programs. Whereas President Roosevelt provided opportunity for Americans trapped in cities to go to the country and take on farms, homes and other businesses that had been abandoned President Obama is allowing Mexicans to flood our countryside while the cities become ever more mired in poverty and social madness.
Here is my another example of the difference between the empty rhetoric of President Obama and the skillful framing of the problem and correct response by President Roosevelt. When faced with corrupt banks and stockbrokers houses President Obama not only lent them money but gave them money and allowed the United States Treasury Department and Federal Reserve Bank to change their behavior to protect the banks. When faced with a similar crisis in the 1930's President Roosevelt said, "And finally, in our progress toward a resumption of work we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order; there must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments; there must be an end to speculation with other people's money, and there must be provision for an adequate but sound currency."
Then Roosevelt, along with a like minded Congress intent on prosperity, went ahead and did it.
President Obama is a very intelligent guy. He does not appear to be a good leader and his connection and relation to America and Americans seems to be second-hand - probably due to his being raised in repressive and backward Indonesia. His understanding and actions concerning fiscal responsibility and finance seem also to be lacking - he has apparently mistakenly decided to rely upon the very criminal elements that caused the problem in the first place to 'help' him corrrect it. That will never happen.
Where President Roosevelt created a jobs program that put millions of Americans to work, rebuilt ports and provided electricity across the nation - President Obama's jobs program seems limited to repairing the same roads over and over again while extending unemploment benefits.
To compare the two Presidents is just not something I can do with a straight face.
A new and bold approach must be made and President Obama will not, it seems, suddenly become able to produce it.
I cannot agree that President Obama's speech resembled the oratory of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. President Obama's speech sounded like the haranguing style of a tenured professor faced with a class full of students who were failing his class because it was composed of confused and conflicting messages and so threatened his ability to keep his job. He sounded scared and angry. On the other hand the oratory of President Franklin Roosevelt was clearly directed at solving problems with haste. While Obama has initiated a program to 'solve' the mortgage problem which involved extending mortgages for ten years (which does not help the millions who are really affected) Roosevelt stated in his inaugural address "It can be helped by preventing realistically the tragedy of the growing loss through foreclosure of our small homes and our farms. It can be helped by insistence that the Federal, the State, and the local governments act forthwith on the demand that their cost be drastically reduced. "
For example - the worth of my home has been reduced, therefore, the bank must reduce my mortgage to reflect that. Whereas Roosevelt was concerned with the solvency of Americans President Barack Obama seems more concerned with the solvency of the ruling, oppresive and cruel Communist Party in China and the corrupt banks who financed his election campaign.
Another difference is in the works programs. Whereas President Roosevelt provided opportunity for Americans trapped in cities to go to the country and take on farms, homes and other businesses that had been abandoned President Obama is allowing Mexicans to flood our countryside while the cities become ever more mired in poverty and social madness.
Here is my another example of the difference between the empty rhetoric of President Obama and the skillful framing of the problem and correct response by President Roosevelt. When faced with corrupt banks and stockbrokers houses President Obama not only lent them money but gave them money and allowed the United States Treasury Department and Federal Reserve Bank to change their behavior to protect the banks. When faced with a similar crisis in the 1930's President Roosevelt said, "And finally, in our progress toward a resumption of work we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order; there must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments; there must be an end to speculation with other people's money, and there must be provision for an adequate but sound currency."
Then Roosevelt, along with a like minded Congress intent on prosperity, went ahead and did it.
President Obama is a very intelligent guy. He does not appear to be a good leader and his connection and relation to America and Americans seems to be second-hand - probably due to his being raised in repressive and backward Indonesia. His understanding and actions concerning fiscal responsibility and finance seem also to be lacking - he has apparently mistakenly decided to rely upon the very criminal elements that caused the problem in the first place to 'help' him corrrect it. That will never happen.
Where President Roosevelt created a jobs program that put millions of Americans to work, rebuilt ports and provided electricity across the nation - President Obama's jobs program seems limited to repairing the same roads over and over again while extending unemploment benefits.
To compare the two Presidents is just not something I can do with a straight face.
A new and bold approach must be made and President Obama will not, it seems, suddenly become able to produce it.
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