Where is Governor Rick 'Hot Foot' Perry?

Governor Perry is back inTexas.  At least I think he is.            He has been inCalifornia for ‘debate’ at the Ronald Reagan library.
            Perry supported Al Gore in the 1988 Democratic presidential primaries and chaired the Gore campaign inTexas.  In 1989, Perry announced that he was switching parties, becoming a Republican.
            Now he wants to switch offices and leave the governorship ofTexas and breeze into the White House.
            However,Texas is on fire.
            He left the state at the very time that the state has been suffering a heavy set of wildfires and firestorms.  They are blazing across the state while he is blazing across the sky going from interview to interview as if he were campaigning for MissAmerica rather than the President of theUnited States.
            He has criticized President Obama for not doing enough to assist with the wildfires inTexas.
            On September 5 Perry leftSouth Carolina (where he was campaigning) to return toTexas because of the fires.
            Then he leftTexas again to appear in California at the Reagan Library for a debate.
            While inCalifornia the Texas Forest Service asked the 49 other states (and Puerto Rico) for assistance in fighting the fires.  California’s forestry service seems to be set to respond.
            Perry ‘poaches’ jobs fromCalifornia –providing tax breaks and assistance to companies to leaveCalifornia for Texas.
            If he can’t do a good job as Governor why would I believe he would do a good job as President?


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