Governor Rick 'Hot Foot' Perry and the Stem Cells
Governor Rick 'Hot Foot' Perry can't stay in one place. He hot footed from Texas (while wild fires burned) to South Carolina to bow to Governor Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley. He then announced he would not attend the debate in South Carolina and would return to Texas to fight the fires - he went to Texas, changed his clothes and the next day flew out to California for a debate at the Reagan Library. He then triumphantly returned to Texas, which, luckily for him, was still on fire. Meanwhile the Texas Forest Agency begged other states for help while Perry prepared for his next hop on his Hot Foot to the beautiful State of Florida. His record in Texas includes mandating that 12 year old girls get injected with 'pieces' of Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent - (the 'sex' vaccine). It is reported that the vaccine can cause muscle weakening and blood clots in the heart, lungs and legs. Governor Perry also had fat cells from his body mutated into stem cells and then injected into his spine to help him with a 'bad back'. Not only a supporter of Frankenscience, he seems very much to be a product of it.
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